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Liam was beyond glad that Grace was finally talking — and that she seemed comfortable with Amelia. Plus, he was impressed by how skillfully Amelia had won over the little girl. With just a few sentences, she’d gotten Grace to relax and even agree to eat something — although how successful that would be remained to be seen. It was all good news.

Yet, strangely, Liam felt a little… left out. It didn’t seem right that Grace took so easily to Amelia, a stranger, when she’d been so distant from Liam, her own father. In an instant, Liam felt closed off from Amelia and Grace, two people he might have liked to connect with.

Don’t be an idiot. Liam gave himself a brief but stern talking-to. This was exactly what he’d wanted. This last day, when he’d had to stay home to take care of Grace, he’d already missed an enormous amount of work — and shelled out a high fee for a babysitter during his lunch interview with Amelia. Now that Amelia was here, he could get back to work and continue with his life as normal.


Amelia was looking at him.


“I was just asking what snack we could put together for Grace. Do you have some toddler-friendly food?”

“I’m not sure exactly what toddlers eat.” Liam hated admitting that he didn’t know something, but Amelia had already seen what an incompetent father he was. There was no point pretending now.

“We can figure something out.” Together, Amelia and Grace reentered the kitchen. Liam followed behind. He leaned against the counter as Amelia opened the fridge. She tossed her hair over her shoulder and leaned forward to scan the shelves.

It was strangely intimate to have a woman in his home, peering into his fridge. Even when Liam had flings, there had never been any occasion to stand around in the kitchen, especially not with a child in tow. He took the opportunity to get a better look at Amelia.

He’d thought she was pretty from the first time he met her, but he was quickly seeing new depths to this woman he’d “married.” The way she effortlessly chatted with Grace, her graceful posture, almost like a dancer’s, the way her hair kept falling over her shoulder — it was all very intriguing.

Liam told himself off for the second time in as many minutes. Amelia was pretty, yes, and competent, yes. But she was also completely off-limits for any kind of romance. Liam had never had a relationship that lasted longer than a few days. If he and Amelia were to have a dalliance, it could only be short-lived, which would throw their whole agreement, and Grace’s care, into jeopardy.

Liam was filled with strange feelings, ones he hadn’t experienced in years. He felt left out, he felt a kind of longing, and he felt wildly incompetent. None of this was pleasant at all.

“Well.” Liam abruptly pushed off the counter, making both Amelia and Grace turn to him in surprise. “I’d better be getting back to work.”

“Work?” Amelia looked confused. “It’s almost five. Surely they don’t need you at work right now.”

“I’ve missed a full day,” Liam reminded her. “They need me now more than ever. You and Grace will be all right, won’t you?”

“Yes…” Amelia’s tone was hesitant. “But Grace will be going to bed soon.”

“You can handle her nighttime routine, right?” Liam could hear that his tone was a little too brisk, but it was too late to change course. Amelia nodded, but her face hardened slightly.

“Of course. Enjoy your work.”

“Right. Bye, Amelia. Bye, Grace.”

To Liam’s surprise, Grace held up a pudgy little hand and gave Liam a wave. Hesitantly, Liam lifted his own hand and waved back. Then, before anything else unexpected could happen, he fled. He grabbed his work bag and made his way to the elevator. As he pressed the button, he could hear the faint sound of Amelia singing from the kitchen. Her voice was high and pure and it struck something in Liam, something that made his heart ache.

Then the elevator arrived, and Liam got in. The doors closed, cutting off the sound of Amelia’s sweet voice. He should have been relieved — Grace’s care was set, his reputation was secure, and he could go back to work. Yet, instead, his heart continued to ache with an unspoken desire.

Liam wasn’t a family man. He never had been and he never would be. Growing up, his family had been all about surviving, not any of the lovey-dovey stuff he saw from his friends’ parents. He’d gotten a job the moment he was able, because he didn’t want to depend on or need anyone ever again. He’d been successful so far — until now. Now, he needed Amelia’s help. There was no way around it.

Liam usually drove to work, but today he decided to walk. It was a beautiful evening, and he needed a little exercise and fresh air to clear his mind. The short time he’d spent with Amelia and Grace had been deeply confusing. His core beliefs felt somehow shaken.

It was clear what he needed to do. Going forward, he needed to avoid Amelia and Grace as much as he could. If a brief encounter had rattled him this much, there was no telling what kind of effect actually living with the pair would have.

It was a relief to walk through the doors of the office and be once again surrounded by familiar things. Liam headed up to his office, where Ryan was just leaving.

“Would you like me to stay?” he asked, already setting his bag back down.

“No, don’t worry about it. I’ll just catch up on some urgent business, then head home as well.”

“All right.” Ryan hesitated at the door. “Were you able to address the… issues with your reputation?”

“What issues?” Liam held up his hand, on which the thick gold band he’d recently purchased glinted. “I’m a married man with a child.”

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