Page 9 of Dark Inheritance

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Because I want to win.

The letter only mentioned the jewels, but there’s more, and I’ll tell my brothers later. Right now, I need to get our ground rules down between me and Scarlett.

I motion to the leather sofa and she perches on it, while I take the seat next to her, crossing my legs as she tucks her feet below her on the floor, her knees pressed together. “I wish I could say I didn’t mean to come on strong, but that’s not true. I don’t do things like this and I’m private. I’m not on page six or whichever damn page it is, and I want to keep it that way. So if you’re into getting your five minutes, this won’t work.”

“I’m not going to Warhol you. Although in that case, it would be fifteen minutes.” She stops, pink blooming in her cheeks. “I’m good with that.”

“Good, because this is my reputation on the line, and I don’t screw things up. I make level headed, intelligent decisions, so don’t make me regret this one.”

“I got that with the retribution thing.”

I laugh, unable to help myself. Even though the situation isn’t funny, she is. She has a self-deprecating streak that’s likable.

Thing is, I don’t need to like her. I need her to make this happen for me.

The jewels, or jewel that’s got my name on it, isn’t the only thing up for grabs according to Jenson. It’s a slice of the pie. A stake—a real one—in the family company. We all have shares but we have no power and that’s how dear old Dad set it up. That’s been fine, but to have a piece of my namesake in the form of a real say, and if I’m reading Jenson right, it will keep the balance private and not public. And that means Sinclair, the flagship company, remains in family hands…or the board of directors. But if I fail, then more shares will be sold and that could tip things into the public realm.

It’s a pride thing, and I’m probably making more of it than I need to. But these are some of the shares held in my father’s name and they go to me or to be sold to the public, and I don’t want that. At all.

“It’s a big job, which is why I’m not only paying well, along with the payout. I gave your brother a ballpark figure, told him I needed someone to fill a particular role. That’s it. And I’m going to expect you to do that job.”

Her eyes go big and the pink turns red in her cheeks.

I smooth a hand down along my thigh. Christ, you’d think I’m asking her to fuck me. Business is business, and this is business. I don’t ever mix that with pleasure.

“That job is as my assistant. And I’m officially hiring you. So you’ll need to do it well. If you’re good enough, we’ll talk about continuing the job when the engagement contract is fulfilled.”

“Okay.” She leans in a little and the subtle scent of flowers teases my senses. Not sweet, but fresh, just picked, with an earthiness to it, a greenness that’s refreshing. “You get the bonus of help and we can use it to speed this up in a natural seeming way.”


It sounds like we’re discussing the driest of dry business deals. Which, I guess we are.

But it has to be this way. Four weeks might seem like nothing, but they could change everything. And I want that change in my favor. Completely.

“I guess we should get to know each other? Or wait until you have a contract—”

“I’ll have that stuff for you bright and early tomorrow.” I let my gaze slide over her again, lingering a little too long on that soft looking mouth of hers.

When I realize what I’m doing, I drag my eyes away and check my Rolex. It used to be my grandfather’s on my mother’s side. I have work to do, both in my own business and with this.

“You can sign that contract and NDA and then—”

“In four weeks, we part ways.”

“I need you to work starting tomorrow. It’ll be light, a day to settle in. I’m fair, but I expect…” I try to think of the right word when she speaks.


“More or less.” I shoot her an assessing look. “Nervous?”


I smile and stand. “In four weeks we’re going to have to convince those who matter that we’re in love. And the moment the dotted line is signed between us, we’ll get down into that.”

“Blood, guts, hard work, whirlwind fake romance. I’m hoping there’s a Hallmark card I can get you at the end of this.”

She’s definitely an unexpected breath of fresh air and she can make me smile, even laugh. I think I’m going to enjoy getting to know her. But… “Scarlett, this thing, it really does depend on total honesty.”

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