Page 46 of Dark Inheritance

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That’s my plan.

It’s why I’m heading to his place.

I’m going to tell him the truth before things get more complicated.

After all, how bad could it be?

Chapter Fifteen



Shock runs through me at the sight of Scarlett on my doorstep, the light from the door turning her hair into dark, shining honeyed fire.

I’m not sure why she sounds shocked. After all, I didn’t invite her. I didn’t even know she had my address.

“I live here.”

I’ve had drinks with my brothers so I’m feeling a little looser, and things are good.

“So you do. I wanted—” Scarlett stops. She blinks and whatever she’s going to say doesn’t see light of day because she pivots. I can almost see it happening.

Her gaze slides down over me in my jeans and shirt.


She looks up at me, those hazel eyes like honey and just as sweet lock on mine. “You’re wearing jeans.”

“It’s been known. I don’t live in a suit.” Though sometimes it feels like it. I lean against the door and hook my thumbs in the back pockets of the jeans. “You’re still wearing your work clothes.”

“Yes, I am.”

I realize I could stay here, all night, just poking at her gently, getting reactions, seeing what she’ll say next. I also realize I could do a lot of things with her, if I let myself. “Was there a reason you rang my door? I’m not even asking how you got my address.” She doesn’t answer. “Or was it you just wanted to gaze at me?”

Color burns high and dark in her cheeks. “I am not.” Her eyes narrow. “Gazing at you.”

“You are, you know. Otherwise, it’d be rude.”

I might be slightly veering toward the tipsy side of things, but I’m in control. It’s just with her, control has a habit of slipping away at the best of times.

“So,” I say, “why’d you come here?”

“Oh. Oh! I figured we could go out.”

It’s a terrible idea. And I like it. For once, I could actually go for some fun and I already know Scarlett can be a hell of a lot of fun.

It’s not that I don’t have fun with my brothers—Ryder, anyway. But tonight wasn’t that. Tonight was business, this whole thing, right here with Scarlett and what it means to them. None of us have any idea. But it seems even Magnus is invested, for whatever darkly ruthless reasons he might have. Kingston, well, he’s a cynic, but he’s family and he’s intrigued on whatever level it is. Ryder would love a real piece of our family history and he wants me to succeed so he can see the mysterious Sinclair jewels, no matter how laid back about it he pretends to be.

And Ryder also pieced together some things, too. Which makes the whole Sinclair jewels thing more important than ever for me.

Why they were hidden and steeped in rumor and legend is anyone’s guess, since those who knew are all dead, but legacy is important. It’s part of being a Sinclair. Part of my identity.

Ryder’s on board with that. Magnus wants power and means, and Kingston, too, if it’s worth anything to him, money-wise.

That wasn’t the only reason we met up. Business is business after all and sometimes, since we’re all in the world of real estate in different ways, our interests cross. We also met for a catch up, too.

And I’ve had just that little too much to drink to make me decide dangerous fun, Scarlett-style, is the way to go.

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