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Fiona was looking at me now, watching my face like it would reveal some bigger secret. I took a step towards her, watching to see how she was going to react. She didn’t back away, so I continued like that until I was standing right in front of her.

“You’re just saying that, right?”

I shook my head. “I wouldn’t think of lying like that. You have no idea how torturous the last months have been for me. I kept wondering how I would let you know that I can’t think of anything but you. I wondered if I gave myself away with that kiss, and that was why you didn’t want to be around me anymore.”

I considered it a win that she didn’t back away from me anymore, but I could still see the skepticism in her eyes.


“If you’re joking, pulling my legs, now would be a good time to stop.”

I wanted to take her in my arms, pull her closer, and reassure her, but at the same time, I didn’t want to scare her away by being too forward. I wanted her to believe me, every word.

“Fiona,” I said, lowering my voice, as if there were people other than us in the boardroom. I was grateful that we didn’t have one of those glass types of rooms because people would be looking at us and wondering what was going on. I wanted this moment to be between us, and I wanted to come clean to her.

She had jumped, and now, it was time for me to catch her.


“I like you too.” Simplicity, sometimes, was better than any fancy words, and I wanted to get the point across as soon as possible without beating around the bush.

“I’ve liked you for a while now and wanted to tell you, but I didn’t want to scare you away. I thought you’d never like someone like me. Someone who doesn’t have much control over their life, someone whose ex is still making life difficult for them, or whose family is making things worse. You make my life easier, and you’re the best thing that has ever happened to me. You see me, and you take care of me. I want to be all the things you’ve been to me. I want to hold you, hug you, kiss you,” I took another step until we were a breath away.

“I want to love you.”

Fiona sucked in a deep breath. “Christian.”

The way my name fell out of her lips was all I needed to cup her face in my hands, and run my thumb on her cheek. Fiona shut her eyes and leaned into the touch, and my heart nearly burst out of my chest. I took a deep breath to steady myself. I couldn’t believe I was touching her like this; I couldn’t believe she felt the same way about me.

I braved myself and ran my thumb across her lips, and Fiona gasped at the contact. I wanted to press my lips to hers, but Fiona snapped out of it, shaking her head and pulling away from me. The emptiness I was left with almost felt like I was missing a limb.

“What’s wrong?” I asked, following after her. Now that I knew how she felt, I could say that I was desperate for her.

“Do you think this would work? Between your mother and every other thing? I don’t want to start something I can’t finish.”

And really, I did assume that it would come up at some point. It would be unfair of me to start something with her without handling these issues. Somehow, it was part of why I was reluctant to tell her how I felt. But now that I was sure, I was going to do everything possible to make sure that I didn’t lose her.

“I’ll fix it,” I said, reaching out for her. Fiona let me hold her and pull her back to me. “I promise.”

Her gaze was soft now when she looked at me, and my eyes zeroed in on her lips again. I pulled her closer to me until we were flushed together.

“I’m going to kiss you now,” I whispered, and Fiona nodded.

She closed her eyes, and I took a moment to admire her long lashes and the smoothness of her face. Just as I began to lean down slowly to kiss her, the door to the boardroom flew open, and Fiona and I moved away from each other like we’d been burnt.

I whipped my head around, ready to go off on the person who dared to interrupt the both of us, but instead of another staff member, I found my mom standing there.

She looked between me and Fiona, her eyes settling on the woman behind me. I knew my mom better than I would like to admit, and she was sharper than most when it came to such things. There was no denying that she knew what was going on before she interrupted.

I stepped forward to block her view of Fiona, who I was certain did not like the look Mom was sending her. Despite being Allison’s friend, Mom has never really liked her.

My mom’s attention returned back to me. “Is this how you run the company these days? Getting together with an employee?”

“Mom, what are you doing here?”

“I thought I would come over and see how you were doing, but you’re here kissing an employee when you have a reasonable girl waiting for you to come to your senses.”

“I’ll leave now,” Fiona said, and attempted to walk past the both of us with my mom standing in front of the door, unwilling to move to the side.

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