Page 55 of Mating their Omega

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We followed her down an incline, and when she stumbled, I snatched her up before she hit the ground.

“I—ahh!” she squealed as I scooped her into my arms, ignoring her protests.

“I can walk,” she complained.

“You can, but you shouldn’t—at least not right now.”

She opened her mouth to protest again, but I cut off whatever she was going to say.

“Can you honestly tell me you’re not tired?” I pinned her with a no-nonsense glare.

She didn’t answer.

“Accept the help,” Gentry said gently. “If not for you, then for us. Have a little pity on our poor wolves.”

That earned him a smile.

As I walked toward our home, Gentry trailed behind, his senses on high alert, ready to spring into action at the first sign of danger.

I exhaled at the sight of our den and placed Myla on the couch once inside.

“You should take a nap,” Gentry said.

Myla anxiously rubbed the back of her neck. “I don’t know if I can. It’s like my body is still buzzing with energy. I know I’m tired, but . . . I can’t feel it.”

“That makes sense. You were under the influence of some pretty nasty compulsion.” I looked at Gentry, and he nodded his head. “How about this? Gentry will lay down with you while I make some food for when you wake up.”

Gentry held out his hand, and she took it. He whispered something in her ear that made her blush.

“Come on, sweet girl. It’s time to lull you to sleep,” he said, leading her up the stairs.

“Go easy on her, Gen,” I called out playfully.

While they napped upstairs, I contacted Bowen for updates on the interrogation.

“How’s Myla?” he asked.

“She’s doing better. Tired, but nothing unexpected. Gen is resting with her.”

“Good,” he said. “The questioning is . . . well, it’s going. Shiloh and Wynn have been down there doing Goddess knows what. We’re all anxious for information.”

I frowned. “You should probably tell Bishop not to wait too long before checking on the Alpha. You know how he gets.”

A memory of the Alpha during the battle with the New Vale pack flashed through my mind. I thought of the vicious, emotionless way he ripped through the hostages’ fur and bone, and the water that ran red during the hours he spent with them in those cells. His wolf went feral that day. The anger from the attack on his pack drove him to a dark, sadistic place, and our enemies felt his wrath. His unit had to convince him to let the rest of the pack live. Luckily for New Vale, we’d never crossed paths again.

I guessed their new Alpha was smarter than the last.

“I know. Bishop is there with him. Isolde and the pup are fine, but it wound him tight.”

“I can imagine. Will you and Silas be home for dinner?” I asked.


The creak of hinges interrupted him.

“The Alpha is out,” Bowen murmured. “I’ll call you back.”

He hung up, and the ensuing silence left room for anxiety to creep in. My wolf was agitated. He wanted the threat to his mate eliminated, and the only thing holding him together was knowing she was safe upstairs.

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