Page 46 of Mating their Omega

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“What for?” I asked, confused.

“To look at the rogue bodies you found. I want to confirm their cause of death,” Shiloh said evenly.

“And why am I being contacted?” I rushed to add, “Not that I don’t appreciate the update.”

“Because if what Shiloh suspects is true, you’ll need to reinforce your encryption with a little magic,” Leighton said grimly.

The implication was harrowing.

The unsanctioned packs bartered with witches, but they wouldn’t use them to fight their battles. They had too much pride to impose such a tactic. They would personally handle a transgression against them.

That left only one culprit for the dark magic attack: the Council.

I heard a door open and close on the other end of the line, and faint murmuring filtered through the speaker as Leighton and Shiloh checked into the building. My heart sped in my chest. Seconds felt like lifetimes as I waited for her to inspect the rogues’ mangled remains.

All I’d ever wanted was a mate to raise a family with. The Goddess had a cruel sense of humor, because just as our unit found happiness, danger threatened to steal it away.

The Council, the unsanctioned packs, and now . . . this. Dark witches in our territory.

Everywhere we turned, another enemy appeared.

My instincts flared, and icy fingers of foreboding gripped my chest. I knew what the report would be before Leighton spoke a word. Shiloh’s suspicion wasn’t a coincidence—her interest in the bodies meant the attack was not as it seemed.

Leighton’s voice was a dark storm as he said, “The attack was fabricated. The bodies were spelled to make it look like a shifter attack.” Korren let out a string of curses in the background. “We’re on our way to you now.”

“I’ll inform the Alpha,” I said, knowing he would contact Alaric.

I steeled myself. Hidden Creek was known for overcoming unfavorable odds. I wasn’t foolish enough to believe this life would be easy, but we had done harder things before. We’d bled, sacrificed, and conquered—all for a better future. And we would do it again.

Our pack was forged by fire, and our purpose was clear.

He picked up on the second ring.

“Alpha Wynn,” I said. “There’s been a new development.”

Chapter 15


Brielle and Blythe’s cozy den had a distinctly masculine vibe, but I saw Brielle’s bright, colorful touches throughout. My mates convinced me to take a break from worrying and spend time with my packmates. I conceded, but with the lockdown, it was hard to forget the pack was in danger because of me. The guilt was heavy on my heart.

“You’re thinking of doing something stupid,” Blythe said.

My cheeks grew warm. “I’m not—”

She cut me off with a look. “Are you going to sit there and try to convince me you weren’t just blaming yourself for the lockdown?

“Well . . . no . . . but I—”

“No one blames you for any of this,” Brielle said. “This is all on Blood Moon, and believe me, they’re fucking with the wrong pack.”

“They sure are,” Blythe agreed, crossing her slender arms over her chest.

I did my best to smile, but their words did nothing to soothe me.

“The meeting with Silver Fang is coming up. If our packs join forces, it will level out the playing field as far as numbers go,” Brielle said.

“But it will put us ahead in terms of skill,” Blythe added with a mischievous smile.

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