Page 37 of Mating their Omega

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Still, the question remained: how did Blood Moon get an Omega in the first place?

“Well, at least the breaches are starting to make sense,” I said.

“Enemies have entered our borders?” Korren asked.

Korren’s unit mate, Valor, was the Enforcers’ second-in-command. Korren would find out about the invasion attempts eventually, so there was no harm in speaking to him about it.

“Reports just came in about disturbances along our perimeter. A group of people tested our defenses and saw how far they could push into our territory without being noticed. After what you told us, I have a pretty good guess as to who’s behind it.”

“Fuck!” Theron shouted.

“Exactly. You get to Myla,” I commanded. “She is not allowed to be alone. I’m contacting Alaric and Valor now.”

I ended the call.

The Blood Moon pack wouldn’t take too kindly to us having a female they considered theirs, even if she had left them. Once they found out she was claimed, there was no telling what they would do. Sanctioned packs had started wars for less.

I summoned our head Enforcer and second-in-command. We assembled in Alaric’s office. They needed to know the details. The last time Hidden Creek engaged with an unsanctioned pack, the results were catastrophic.

“What did you find?” Alaric asked, getting straight to the point.

“We think the Blood Moon pack is responsible for the attempts to invade our territory,” I said.

“How do you know?” Valor asked.

“Because they’re coming after Myla.”


Beneath the canopy of the forest, the air was thick with tension. Every rustle of leaves and snap of twigs set my nerves on edge. We moved as one, silent and lethal, tracking the scent of our enemies.

After I told Alaric and Valor what Korren found, Alaric put together a hunting band to see if we could capture some of the wolves in the act.

We agreed that stopping a war before it happened was the best course of action, and acquiring a hostage would give us the upper hand.

I joined Alaric, Valor, and two other Enforcers.

We were tracking the unfamiliar scents along the west border when Valor smelled blood. Possibilities raced through my mind as we rushed toward the odor. A packmate could be hurt, but what if we were walking into a trap? Either way, there was only one course of action in this situation: find the source and find it quickly.

Valor slowed and cursed.

My muscles coiled, and I readied myself for anything.

The trespassers were long gone, and they had left a present.

Scattered across the border were pieces of bodies—rogues from the smell of them. Their blood stained the grass in a macabre display. There was a momentary pause for relief that they were not our packmates, but the threat was clear.

It was a grim sight, one that spoke of violence and chaos.

It was a message. A warning of what was to come.

Valor’s brow furrowed as he inspected the corpses. “Scent blocker,” he muttered, his voice low with concern.

My wolf snarled in frustration. Scent blocker was a rare commodity, one reserved for sanctioned packs. If the unsanctioned packs had access to it, there was no telling what else they possessed.

“Let’s clean up the bodies and get back to headquarters,” Alaric ordered. “Owen, run back and tell all patrols to be ready to use lethal measures.”

Owen nodded before shifting and taking off toward the Enforcer building.

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