Page 15 of Mating their Omega

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Behind her was her younger sister, Blythe, and Isolde, Hidden Creek’s Alpha female. I stood aside to let them in. They made their way to the sitting room, and I joined them after shutting the door.

If anyone could sniff out a lie, it was those three. Myla was more likely to let down her guard with the females than anyone else.

“She’s not lying,” Blythe said playfully. “These two wouldn’t shut up about the new Omega.”

With a hand on her swollen belly, Isolde shrugged. “It’s exciting. Goddess knows I need a little excitement these days. My mates barely let me do anything for myself anymore. At first, it was sweet. But now it’s annoying. Did you know Bishop tried to brush my teeth this morning?”

“Jeez,” Blythe said sympathetically.

Myla’s eyes widened at the newcomers, and she gave them a shy wave as they introduced themselves. Brielle and Blythe both pulled her into a hug while Isolde inclined her head with a kind smile.

“What did you expect?” I asked, holding out my hand to help Isolde into a seat. “They’re shifter males, and you’re about to burst with their young. They’re allowed to be a bit overprotective.”

Isolde rolled her eyes. “Don’t defend them.”

As I adjusted the chair to give Isolde adequate room for her stomach, my skin grew warm beneath the weight of Myla’s gaze. Isolde tried to wave me off, but I ignored her. When she was seated comfortably on the loveseat, I turned to find Myla, watching the exchange with interest.

I looked away, focusing my attention on our guests. “Males have to stick together on these matters.”

Brielle snorted.

“At the very least, I expected to be able to breathe without someone offering me assistance,” Isolde joked.

“How far along are you?” Myla asked, the melodic cadence of her voice caressing my wolf.

“Four months and a few days, so just about there,” Isolde replied.

Myla’s eyes softened with concern. “Thank you for taking the time to meet with me. It must be hard for you to move around.”

“It’s a relief, honestly. I needed to give my ass a break.” Isolde laughed. “But you probably couldn’t tell with how quickly I collapsed into this chair.”

Blythe leaned toward Myla with a conspiratorial grin. “Do you know how long it took us to get her out of the house?”

Brielle snickered. “We practically had to break her out. Not that my mates were any better.” She nudged me with her elbow. “Luckily, Theron’s presence at this little gathering was enough to convince them I’d be fine for a few hours.”

“Only just,” Blythe said, looking at her sister with raised brows.

Myla watched the women with noticeable longing. Her face reflected her emotions so clearly it was like looking through glass. I found myself wondering how she could possibly hide anything from us, let alone nefarious plans.

Unless she was acting.

“Oh, before I forget.” Brielle placed a bag on the table. “We brought you some things to wear until your mates get you sorted.”

“Thank you,” Myla said. “It’ll be nice to wear something that fits.”

She’d tied Gentry’s sweatpants as tight as she could, but they still swallowed her whole.

I watched as the Omegas interacted. Myla was skittish and uncertain, listening more than she spoke and offering small smiles whenever they looked at her. She even toned down her laugh so as not to stand out.

Myla. Sweet, delicate, unassuming Myla.

She was as enchanting as a rose, but even roses had thorns.

When I told her I would uncover her secrets, the fear on her face was irrefutable. But so were the surprise and gratitude at Gentry’s and Bowen’s kindness, the awe at our den, and the confusion when we declared her our mate.

Worst of all was the honesty in her voice when she spoke of running away from her pack.

This only made her more confusing to me.

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