Page 10 of Mating their Omega

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It wasn’t a question, but I answered anyway. “When we found her. At first, I didn’t believe it. But when Bowen, Gentry, and Theron felt the same flare in our bond, there was no mistaking it. The female, whoever she is, is ours.”

Wynn weighed my words, his features hard as marbled stone. Then, he nodded. “When she wakes, it’s likely she’ll be in heat. What are your plans?”

“We’ll satisfy the urge and fulfill the bond,” Bowen answered. “After, we’ll question her, find out where she came from, and investigate why she was alone in our woods.”

“This is an unusual situation, so I have to caution you. Bonding with the Omega isn’t something you can take back if she turns out to be an enemy. There will be no mercy for her,” Alpha Wynn stated.

My wolf snarled at the threat, but I held back. As much as it would pain me, the pack had to come first—and it would, no matter what.

Before we could respond, the sound of footsteps drew our attention, and our commander and head of the Enforcers, Alaric, stepped into the room. He gave us a brief nod before turning his attention to Alpha Wynn.

“Isolde is asking for you,” Alaric said to Wynn.

“Tell her I’ll be there in five minutes,” the Alpha replied.

Their Omega—Hidden Creek’s Alpha female—was deep into her pregnancy. The Alpha unit was rarely more than a few feet away from her.

Alpha Wynn glanced at us. “I’ll check in for an update in a few days. Until then, your unit is responsible for her.”

When the Alpha exited, we took our places around our mate. My wolf wouldn’t let me leave even if I wanted to. So, with nothing else to do, we settled in and prepared for a long night.

Chapter 4


My nose wrinkled as the fog cleared from my mind.

A light whirring noise and the steady hum of machines filled my ears. I stretched my aching fingers and paused. Fingers? When did I shift? I wiggled them again for confirmation.

There was no dirt or ice beneath me. I struggled to open my eyes. Harsh, unnatural light sliced through the darkness, and I flinched, groaning.

My sluggish memories returned.

The tree.

I was leaning against a tree, and now . . .

My fingers burrowed into soft cloth, and my breath caught in my lungs.

I’m on a bed!

I bolted upright and froze at the sight of four males staring back at me.

Their scents hit me like a freight train—bitter apple, caramel, ginger, and cloves. Distinct yet harmonious, they scraped against my skin, enthralling my senses as a flush of heat pulsed through my core.

My wolf pushed against my skin and preened at their attention. A wave of panic crashed over me.

She never liked anyone.


I wanted to examine my surroundings, but I wasn’t stupid. You never looked away from a predator, and there were four of them here, staring at me with unwavering focus.

My trek through the snow must have affected my brain because instead of fear or anxiety, I felt settled—calm, even. The strange urge to trust them nettled my mind.

“Glad to see you’re awake. How are you feeling?” The Gamma with hair like liquid fire took careful steps toward me as if I were a skittish animal.

Huh. I guess I sort of was.

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