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“I just don't think you should be being so intimate with me. Your wife would probably not approve and neither do I.” I can only hope that laying a firm boundary will help me to avoid mistakes of the past. Of course, back when I met Methew, he wasn't married. And that's not the only reason. “Besides, I came here with somebody and it's extremely disrespectful for you to be touching me like this when I'm here with someone else.” My gaze slides to the side toward Charles.

He’s watching us both closely while standing shoulder to shoulder with Arson.

“I don't give a fuck that you came here with someone else. You should leave with me.”

I'm absolutely floored by his words and stare at him, my gaze darting back and forth across his, wondering if he really just said those words.

“I’m going to go now and pretend you didn’t just say that.” With that, I step around him and make my way to Charles.

I offer both men a wobbly smile as Laurel touches my shoulder. I turn to face her and notice that she has a glass of wine tucked against her chest, just under her nose. “Thank you for the good advice.” As she says the cheerful, upbeat words, I see that she's studying my face, as if searching for some sign that I need to be saved.

“You’re welcome. Has anybody said anything?” This is her party; I can't imagine anyone could say anything anyway, but I've been surprised by people before... like just a few minutes ago with Methew.

She shakes her head as the men continue talking in low tones. I can't make out what they're saying, but it almost sounds like they're talking about some kind of business deal. Not that it's any of my business, and I'm not trying to eavesdrop or overhear them. I'm just curious if they're talking about something other than my run in with Methew.

I can't shake the uncomfortable feeling that everyone's talking about me and Methew. Of course, that's probably just paranoia, and I’m sure nobody actually noticed anything.

Determined to put him out of my mind, I smile at Laurel. “I've never been to a party like this; I’m so used to baby showers. Showing up without a gift feels wrong.”

She seems touched by my words. “Honestly, we just wanted the support of the friends and family in one place to tell everyone, which just makes life easier, you know?”

I can imagine. I'd hate to have to send out ten thousand messages to everyone and answer all of the questions that come back, plus tell the story over and over again. “I think it's actually smarter to do it this way. And you can always do both, have an announcement party now and a baby shower later.”

She pulls me into a quick hug, speaking into my ear in a low voice. “I love that idea!”

I realize that I enjoy the feeling of giving her ideas and just talking to her in general. She seems to echo the sentiment.

“We should get together sometime. I like you.” She pulls back, looking into my face with an earnest expression that leaves no room for doubting her words.

“I'd like that.” As I say the words, I feel her attention shift to someone behind me and the hairs on the back of my neck stand up.

“Arson, Laurel, I hear congratulations are in order.” I’d recognize that voice anywhere.

I turn to face Methew, this time also seeing his pretty wife on his arm. She's so beautiful it hurts, and it makes me wonder why he'd risk messing around with me when he has her. She stares at me, her eyes wide and surprised as she speaks to Arson and Laurel in a low, seductive tone. “Congratulations.” She stays locked on my face and this time she speaks directly to me. “You are absolutely beautiful.”

For some reason, the compliment makes me really uncomfortable, and I shift my weight leaning into Charles. “Thank you. You are too.” The words feel wooden as they leave my lips and her eyes narrow as if she's not quite convinced.

All the while, Methew stares at us both, a slight smile lifting the corners of his lips. “You’ve met my wife, Cassandra?” he asks me as this moment takes on the nightmarish quality of focusing just on the three of us.

Swallowing hard, I shake my head. “It's a pleasure to meet you, Cassandra.” My stomach twists up uncomfortably and I want to throw up.

Cassandra inclines her head in response, lifting her chin before taking Laurel 's arm, leading her off. Now the group is just down to Arson, Charles, me and Methew.

“Come to dinner at my place this Saturday.”

I meet Methew’s stare, realizing he’s talking to me with shock. “Me?” My brain wants to say that he's asking the guys to his place, but I know that's not the case.

He nods his head, completely ignoring Arson and Charles, as if they're not there.

It occurs to me this might actually be a good thing. Going to dinner at his place would give me the chance to tell him the truth. The truth that I've been hiding from him all these years. The truth that started the last time I was here at this club - and the main reason I wanted to avoid this place.

As if in a trance, I nod my head. “Sure, that sounds fine. Saturday.”

A cruel smile crosses his lips. “Excellent. Let's dance on it.” With that, he takes my hand and pulls me out onto the dance floor, and I suddenly realize there's music playing and other people dancing. At some point when I wasn't paying attention, the room had filled up with people, and now we're lost in the crowd.

“I never forgot that night.” He whispers the words into my ear, and I shiver, feeling so very uncomfortable. All of this is icky, now that I know he's married, and I thank my lucky stars that he wasn't married the night we were together.

“You probably should.” The words sound very facetious, but I'm not joking. Over his shoulder I catch sight of Charles and see that he is tense and his gaze is guarded as he watches us. I haven't drunk enough of my Long Island iced tea to be comfortable with any of this.

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