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My mother smiles at me. “I guess I know we're drinking tonight.” With that, she slips off to the wine cellar, and I find myself alone with Alisha for a moment.

“I don't think you should stress out about her meeting someone. Your mother has a backbone of steel, and I really do feel sorry for any guy that tries anything she's not interested in.” Her voice is low and serious as she watches the direction my mother walked off in.

“I know.” I don't want to get too personal with her, but after losing dad, one of my biggest fears is that I'll lose my mom too and be completely alone in this world. My mother drives me up the wall and maybe our relationship is a little bit unorthodox, but she's all I have left in this world as far as family and it would kill me to lose her before her time too.

“Just breathe. She's going to go have a good time and she'll be back before you know it.” She reaches out and pats me on the shoulder before turning back to food. “Everything here is ready.”

I slide the plates closer to her, ready to help dish up the food as she slices the rested steak. “I really appreciate everything you do.” I want to let her know that her opinion is valuable to me. “Maybe we should invite Harvey over for dinner one of these nights, you know, so we can meet him.”

She laughs. “I don't think your mother is the kind of woman that needs your approval of the man she's dating.”

Of course she's right. But that doesn't mean I like the truth. “That means it's going to be just you and me for a week.”

I notice that her hands go completely still and her whole body seems to freeze with that news. Deep down, I wonder if she is upset to have to spend that time alone with me. I know that I was a bit of a pill when she started here, but it seems like we're getting along much, much better these days.

“I'm sure it'll be fine.” Based on the inflection in her voice as she says the words, I have a feeling she's trying to convince herself more than just letting me know everything will be okay.

Chapter Nine


I need to ask you a favor - can I call?

I stare down at the text Charles had sent me trying to figure out what to do now. What could he possibly want to call me for, and what kind of favor could he possibly want?

As much as I want to focus on spending time with my daughter today, I'm not sure that I can stand not knowing what this message is about.

“Give mommy just one minute, okay?” I say to Evie, who smiles and nods, still brushing her hair and getting ready for our day out.

I leave the bathroom, composing a quick message back to him as I make my way to the living room, hoping she won’t follow. Go ahead and call.

Less than thirty seconds later, my phone rings and I answer. I put the call on speaker so I won't have to hold the device to my ear as I walk back toward my bedroom. “Hello?” I say.

“Hey, Alisha.” He doesn't sound hurt or maimed, so I can't imagine the reason he’d be calling me on my day off. I really hope he's not about to ask me to work today because there's no way I'm going to break the plans I've already made with my daughter.

“What's this favor you need to ask?” I shove a hand deep into my pocket as I walk over to my bed and turn around before lowering to perch on the edge.

“A friend and his wife are expecting a baby.”

I nod my head. “Laurel, right?”

He’s quiet for a moment on the other end of the line. “Yeah, how'd you know?”

I grab my knee with one hand for balance and lean back a bit on my bed. “It's a long story, but when I met Laurel, she ran her hand over her belly, and it was just that unmistakable and pregnant gesture that women do. I promised my silence.” I smile thinking about that memory and wonder if Laurel and I could ever be friends.

“That's a cute story. You should tell it at their party.”

I inhale. “They're having a party? Like a baby shower? Am I invited?” My mind is racing a million miles a minute, my dream of being friends with Laurel surfacing, the excitement of babies bringing a smile to my lips, and the thought of spending time with other adults in a non-work-related environment leaving me worried I’ll never fit in.

He chuckles. “Yes, they're throwing a party, but it's more just an announcement for friends and family. And I’m inviting you.”

As he says the words, my heart sinks and I realize what the favor is he's asking. All the excitement for the moment drains out of me, but I'd be lying if I didn't say there was a serious heat building well in my core and making my cheeks flush. “You want me to go with you and cook for them?” I don't really understand what he's wanting from me or why he’d ask.

“I'm not asking you to work. I'm asking you to be my date; off the clock, of course.” Despite the amusement and humor in his voice, I hear something else, an undertone of concern, as if he's worried I'm going to turn him down. It's a very valid worry on his part.

I am disappointed, though, a feeling I will have to dissect later. “Thank you for asking, but I don't know that that would be good for our working relationship.” Of course, I'm lying. I have no doubts that we'd be able to maintain our professional facade, even if I went with him as his date. My biggest concern is not having a babysitter for my daughter, and I already ask so much of my mother.

“I thought that might be a response and I absolutely respect it. Thank you for hearing me out and have a lovely day.” His response is measured and sincere, though I can sense his disappointment.

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