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“The reason I want you to sit down with us is just because you've done such amazing things for him.” She walks the plates over to where I’m stirring the berry yogurt mixture. I'm wondering if she plans on elaborating on that statement and I wait with my breath held. What kind of amazing things does she think I've done for her son? Because that statement is confusing. All I do is cook. She can say that I've changed his diet and help him become healthier, but that doesn't seem like a good reason to come sit down at the table with them and eat together like a family.

“All I'm doing is trying to help him adjust his diet to one that'll help him live longer. And not without considerable pushback, I might add.” I can't hold back a laugh as I begin to plate up the yogurt mixture.

“And believe me, I thank you so much for that. I've been worried about his health ever since... well... for years now.” She seems to hesitate, as if she doesn't want to tell me the reason why. I can respect their privacy, even though I'm dying to know.

She continues speaking while I listen and add the steamed breakfast veggies to the plates. “I think this high protein diet thing just came out of him eating what he considers comfort food, which is mostly red meat. He knows it's not good for him, but I can’t make him see reason. And every other chef that I tried to hire, he wound up firing almost right away.” She meets my gaze for a moment, a slight smile tugging at the corners of her lips.

“But for some reason, he listens to you. Maybe he likes you, maybe he trusts you. I don't know what the reason is, but you give me hope that he can change his ways, even when you decide your time with us is done.” Her last statement seems to bring her down slightly, and I can see the sadness in her eyes before she brightens and smiles at me again.

I'm not really sure how to respond as I walk over and open the oven, pulling out the frittatas one after the other. “I'm glad he listens, and I hope that he sticks with these changes long after I'm gone.” For some reason, the thought of leaving actually bothers me. As much of a pain in the butt as Charles is, I do like it here, and I really like Beverly.

As usual, I'd gone home after making their breakfast, happy that breakfast was a hit. I had enjoyed spending some time with Evie before it was time to leave again to make Charles dinner. They told me at breakfast that Beverly wouldn't be there this evening so I was going to be alone with Charles.

After everything she told me this morning, I can't help but wonder what life changing event made him make such an unhealthy change to his diet. I don't plan to pry, but I really am curious. Still, knowing that his unhealthy food choices are a result of some trauma does make me want to be kinder to him.

Now I know he's not just being difficult - he’s actually going through something that he clearly hasn’t processed or healed from, I know I can save him. I'm just kidding. I know I can't save him, but I absolutely want to bring him into the kitchen and start teaching him how to feed himself better. Like Beverly had said, at some point I won't be here to cook for him, and I want to know that after I'm gone, he'll be able to make good, healthy, solid choices.

And the first step to making sure he's making healthy, positive choices is to teach him how to make the right ones.

I stray from the kitchen and find him sitting in the dining room with his laptop open before him. And the moment I step into the room he stops typing and his eyes flick to me over the screen without moving his head or any other muscle in his body.

“I wanted to know if you have a little bit of time,” I say, suddenly feeling shy.

He lifts a hand and closes the laptop with a click. “How can I help you?” Something about the way he says the words and the fact that his eyes narrow slightly makes my whole body warm up. I have no business feeling that way and I want to talk myself down, but for some reason, I want him closer to me.

I ignore those feelings and speak up. “I was hoping you would come into the kitchen with me.”

He nods his head and stands up. With my heart beating a little too hard in my chest, I make my way to the kitchen knowing he is right behind me. Why do I suddenly feel so strange with his proximity? Maybe it has something to do with last night and the overwhelming sensation that he was going to kiss me while we cleaned up the floor together.

“What is the meal plan for today?”

I smile at him over my shoulder. “There will be plenty of time to get into that, I promise.” I can only hope he's going to be thrilled with what I've chosen tonight. It's not red meat by any means, but it's absolutely something I think he'll enjoy. Of course, he seems to enjoy everything I make - which is an ego boost.

Once in the kitchen, I turn to him, showing him all of the ingredients laid out on the counter. He scans everything, then glances at me with a suspicious look in his eyes.

“I have the uncomfortable sensation that you are going to teach me how to cook today.”

At least he is intuitive - hopefully that'll translate to cooking. “Your mother brought up a very valid point. I'm not going to be here forever, so in order to help you to make lasting changes in your diet for your health, it might be a good idea for you to learn how to make these meals.”

All the breath seems to squeeze out of him at the thought of me not being here anymore. I wonder if I said something in poor taste. Is it a bad idea to mention to your employer that you won't work for them forever?

I decide to plunge ahead, continuing with my spiel. “Tonight we're going to make salmon and asparagus with cauliflower rice.”

He nods his head.

“I've laid everything out and I will be able to give you a copy of your favorite recipes when it is time for me to go if that would be helpful.” To my surprise and delight, he steps right up to the counter before glancing at me.

“Teach me,” he says in a low, throaty voice that does funny things to my pulse and makes my body hum to life. What the heck is going on?

I move to his side, turning on the burner to heat up the cast iron. Though I'd been really unsure about the in-counter stovetop, I've come to love the technology and wish I had a similar set up at home. The design absolutely makes the kitchen a lot sleeker and more functional.

“I know you absolutely love red meat and like I've said before, it's good in moderation, but I want to teach you how to eat nutrient dense foods alongside your favorite foods.” I move through the steps, showing him what to do to prepare the butter, cook the salmon, and rice the cauliflower.

While the salmon bakes, I teach him to steam the cauliflower rice, and he laughs that he’s never used the steamer before. I have to tell him I've also never used one before coming to his home. However, it does make things much quicker and easier, and the cleanup is amazing, so it's one of my favorite appliances.

We work shoulder to shoulder, and I catch him laughing every once in a while, asking me questions when he needs to, and watching my every move. I sense he's really paying attention and that makes my heart feel warm and happy.

When his hand bumps mine I can't stop thinking about last night and how I've been so sure he was going to kiss me while we were cleaning the glass and tomato base up off the floor. I'm still really sad to have lost that zucchini lasagna, but I can make it another day.

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