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Out through the window, the falling snowflakes are getting fatter. They drift lazily down from the heavens.

I scrub my brow. “I’m really exhausted. I just got in a couple of hours ago. Can we talk in the morning?”

The truth is, I don’t want any part of whatever this is.

At best, I’ll survive the conversation. At worst, I’ll let something slip that I shouldn’t.

I would hang up on her if I had the courage.

But I don’t.

“I sent it over to Fabian’s VA,” she hisses. “That’s what I did with that photo. Oooh, honey, you gotta watch your back when you play games like you’ve been playing. She’s a good, good friend of mine, and she’s already promised to bring it to Fabian’s attention first thing in the morning. Hazel, you messed with the wrong woman.”

I may try to avoid conflict, but I refuse to just lie here while she walks all over me.

“Devina, honestly, this isn’t personal between you and me. I’m not playing games, and I’m not trying to steal your job. I’m sure the higher-ups have their reasons for asking you to move on. And it might even be good for you. You could do something you enjoy more.”

“Ha!” she snorts.

I hear ice rattle as she sips whatever cocktail she’s clutching. I imagine her stooping over the bar, stewing in her anger.

“You play innocent all you want,” she seethes, “with that nice act of yours. You have fun with that. Meanwhile, I have my boxing gloves on, so watch out for my next right hook.”

Then, she hangs up on me.

I watch snowflakes dance and drift.

I don’t want to be in a boxing ring with Devina.

Apparently, I am. At least in her mind, that’s what’s happening. We are going to spar. Tomorrow is going to be a rough day.

“Is everything okay?” my mom calls from her spot on the couch.


Not at all.

“It’s fine,” I tell her. “I need to get some sleep, though. I have a big meeting in the morning. Could I borrow a pair of mittens?”

“Of course.” She gets up with a groan and presses both hands to the small of her back.

She gives me a feeble smile when she hobbles to me with a pair of hand-knit mittens.

“You know, sometimes I just think how lucky I am to have you.” She presses the mittens into my hands, then kisses the top of my head. “You’re my sunshine, sweetie. My whole world. You drive safe, and I hope that meeting goes well.”

We’ll see, I think as I head for the door.

Chapter 21


I pull my rolling office chair closer to my desk.

I already have Google Meets pulled up, and I’m staring at my own image on the screen. My face looks dark and grainy. I lean back to adjust the lampshade behind me.

My meeting with Fabian is due to start in fifteen minutes, and I’m nervous. No matter how many times I’ve fidgeted with the lighting in the room, I can’t seem to get it right.

Jack texted me a few times today, which was really sweet. His messages have gone a long way to boost my mood. I pick up my phone to look at the last one he sent.

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