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I had ups and downs, and so did she.

And now that we found each other, we’ll still have ups and downs. I know that for a fact. It feels good to think that maybe if I’m lucky, we’ll face them together.

The guests that lined the path closer to the resort now amble toward the sea in a slow-moving parade behind the sea turtles. Staff members usher the patient, plodding turtles along with gentle hand motions.

Hazel and I fall into step with the crowd. When others pile purses, cellphones, and shoes in a jumbled fray, we do the same. Hazel drops her purse and kicks off her sandals. I stick my phone in her bag and take off my leather sandals.

That seems to be the way to go in case some big waves come in.

The two sea turtles scoot onto wet sand. A wave swishes up, bathing their fins. The next wave leaves foam on the tops of their shells. Soon, they’re belly-deep in the water.

Wet sand gives way under my feet. I can feel the cool water on my ankles and the tops of my feet. I curl my toes into the sand.

The last glimpse I have of Chester is the top of his shell, just before he dips out of view.

Good luck, buddy, I tell him mentally.

“Wow,” Hazel says. She lets go of my waist to touch the water. “They’re free, out in the big ocean. Hm… water’s pretty nice. Maybe we should go for a swim later.”

“Or, how about now?” I scoop her up, so she’s cradled in my arms and start to walk forward.

She laughs and clings tighter to my neck. “What are you doing?” she squeals. “We’re not even in our suits!”

Waves break over my waist and chest. Her black sundress is now drenched, and my Hawaiian shirt sticks to my body, a cool block against the sun.

“I want to swim with you,” I say as I let a wave lift me off my feet.

“You’re ridiculous,” she says.

“Ridiculous, but handsome. Or so I’ve heard.”

The next wave tickles my neck. Hazel smiles and then wriggles free from my arms. She dives under the water. It looks refreshing, so I dive in after her.

Chapter 29


One year later

“You ready for this, Jackie Boy?” Brett asks as he fusses with the corsage poking out of my breast pocket. “You got your vows written out, right? You’re gonna be a mess up there, just warning you. I thought I had mine memorized but couldn’t remember a word when the time came.”

“I’m ready. Been ready for a year. And yeah, vows are here.” I pat my pocket and feel the folded paper beside the corsage stem. “You’re more nervous than I am,” I tease him.

We’re on a stretch of wooden walkway between the Hanu Resort’s pool area and the beach. The patio table next to us is full of wedding day stuff, namely, my Corona beer with lime, my sunglasses, and a box of nice cigars I’m saving to break out with my brother and dad near the end of the reception. I have one for Hazel’s dad, too, if he wants one.

Her dad, Alan, is a cool guy. He’s reserved and very book-smart, like his daughter. He likes fishing, which has been our saving grace. The last time Alan and Sondra came out to Moab, where Hazel and I spent six months last year, I got them both out on Brett’s boat.

Sondra had to hold on to her hat when I picked up speed. I heard her laugh over the engine's rumble and waves slapping the metal sides.

Hazel just loved that… seeing her mom so happy.

Next time around, we’ll try to get them to extend their two-week trip to a month.

Brett chuckles. “I don’t know. It’s just all the pomp and circumstance… It's a lot. I get stressed.”

“Yeah, but, dude, you have it easy. You’re not the one in long pants on a seventy-five-degree day.” I gesture down at his shorts. “Wish I was in cargos.”

“Ha. You remember my wedding day? It was eighty, and I wore a full suit.”

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