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So, whatever story we have to spin is just that. A story.

Hazel and I know what’s really going on.

We hit it off. We clicked.

I’ll duck and dodge this red tape for weeks if we have to.

Inside the shop, I glance around for Jess and her man, but I don’t see them. The place is packed, and there’s a long line waiting for service.

A text from Hazel comes in when I’m about three people away from reaching the register.

Hazel: Okay, I contacted a lawyer. He wants both of us to talk to him as soon as possible. Would you be up for a Skype call in about an hour?

I’m in, I type.

Just then, it’s my turn to order. I slide my phone into my back pocket and ask for my usual Superfood Berry Blast.

While waiting for the barista to blend it up, I catch a whiff of a very familiar perfume.

By the time I turn, her arms are already wide open. “Jack!” she says while wrapping me in a hug.

“Oh, wow—Jess,” I say into her hair.

She gives me an extra tight squeeze. “So great to see you!”

I force a smile as she lets me go. “You too.” It’s not great to see her; it's just something I have to say.

I could do without this right now.

I’ve got enough on my mind without having to deal with seeing her in person for the first time in about a year. Plus, now I’m probably going to have to meet her fiancé.


Called it.

She waves her new partner over. “Hey, you got a sec? I want you to meet someone. This is Travis!”

The next thing I know, I’m shaking some bro’s hand. He’s a lanky dude with a bunch of rings on his fingers and a thick chain around his neck. His clenched jaw tells me he’s having a rough day.

I remember days like that with Jess. She could make even a minor outing into a headache.

How long have they known each other? I wonder as I look between them.

I messaged with Jess a lot before I left for Hawaii, and she never mentioned this guy. Plus, she’s an open book online. She shares everything, from what she eats for breakfast to her mood before bed. I never saw any pictures of him on her various profiles.

She whips her hair off her shoulder and flashes me a smile. “So, oh my gosh! It really is great to see you. I was wondering when we would bump into you. I was so excited about showing this place off to my new honey that I almost forgot you’re here these days. When I remembered, I was totally excited!”

Then, without batting an eye, she proffers her hand. There’s a massive diamond ring on her left ring finger.

Jess is eager to show it off.

It might have upset me a week ago. If this little encounter was how I found out about her engagement, I’d be a wreck right now. But I got my head straight in Hawaii. Jess can live her life how she wants to, and it has nothing to do with me.

I peer at the ring while uttering the expected words. “Wow, look at that. Nice. Congratulations.”

The thing’s ginormous.


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