Page 75 of Game Over

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"Well…" I clear my throat, forcing my eyes to meet hers. "It sounds like it ended up being a good decision. So, why hold out today? It could've made the party more fun for you."

"You're not wrong, but I didn't want to..." Avoiding my gaze, she rolls her lips between her teeth as heat creeps up her chest.

My pulse jumps, knowing exactly where her mind is at, because mine's already there. Been there, since she left me in that cabana. "Didn't want to what?" I coo, hunger sparking within me when she presses a hand to her neck, right where my lips left their mark.

"To... to lose control," she whispers.


A single word—that's all it takes to snap the band holding back mine.

I rise to my feet, waist deep in the water, reveling when her eyes descend along my torso, then flick back up. "And why were you so worried about losing control, Jules?" I cock my head, inching closer, watching as a shiver courses through her.

"You know why," she says, so quietly I almost miss it.

"I want to hear you say it."

Wetting her lips, she lets her gaze fall.

Another step, and I'm encroaching her space, bumping against her knees. "Look at me," I purr, pinching her chin, lifting her to my stare, "and answer my question. Shall I rephrase it for you? Who is it that you were so worried you'd lose control around?"

When I pinch harder, a small sound escapes her. "...You."

Fuckkk. I grate my teeth, weathering the sudden tightness of my swim trunks. "And why is that?"

"B-because..." she stammers, her chest rising and falling. "Of what happened in the cabana."

I angle her chin, baring her neck to me. Even under the tub's soft glow, the bruise is glaring. Deep purple and round. What a shame the other side doesn't have another to match. Her pulse flutters when I brush a finger across it.

I smirk. "Wasn't that all just part of your act?"

"No—yes," she corrects with a huff, squirming under my attention. "I mean, I wanted..."

Her teeth sink into her bottom lip when I grab her by the nape, threading my fingers through her hair, just like before. "What did you want?" My heart pounds through my veins like liquid fire, anticipation wound intensely inside me as I await her words.

Her overdue confession.

"More," she breathes, so close to a moan. "I wanted more—"

She gasps as I grip tighter, the locks between my fingers pulled taut. I let my eyelids fall, before exhaling through my nose steadily. In and out... In and out... trying but failing to expel the thoughts flooding my brain, urging me to bend her right over the mahogany, over the edge of this tub, so she can scream my name for the skies to hear.

But I want to savor this.

I loosen my grip, trailing a touch down her arm. "Is that why you came out here—to pick up where we left off? Why you put on that bikini?"

She nods, the gesture so small it's hardly noticeable, as her thighs press together.

"Look at me," I say again. When she obeys, raising those doe-eyes up at me through her lashes, a thrill shocks my senses. "Did you slip this little bikini back on, so you could flaunt your tight ass and perfect tits around me?"

"...Yes." She swallows roughly.

A violent shudder tears through me as I contemplate dragging her to my bed, where she belongs, where she should've been since moving in. Instead, she's made me wait, teased me with her presence and longing glances, gave in to my touch, then sped off, and let me hear her in that bathroom, in the throes of her lust.

I don't care who her brother is or isn't, about our contract, or that ruining her will damn me straight to Hell...

I'm done waiting.

I slip a hand between her thighs, nudging them open. "Then show me."

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