Page 18 of Game Over

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"I'm not!" My palms fly up defensively. "I'm being serious."

"About me being your fake girlfriend? Okay, sure, Hayden. I believe you. You're right, that doesn't sound like the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard you say in our entire life."

Fuck, hearing it from her is even worse. What, did I fall and hit my head? Who says shit like that? No... No, I need this... I need her to accept this insane proposition, or I'm royally screwed.

"I know it sounds crazy, but I'm telling the truth." She shakes her head. I force a strained laugh, swiping a nervous hand through my locks. "Things have been rough with my dad. I mean... worse than usual. He's threatening to pull my trust fund."

She scoffs. "Are you really so surprised by that? You're not exactly someone I'd call a model citizen or some golden child."

My thoughts instantly go to my brother, a wave of annoyance washing over me. "You'd really go there—"

"What was it, three months ago, you were making headlines? Half of New York knows what kind of parties you throw."

"Oh, so I should act like my brother, is that it? Lock myself in a corporate cage. Strive to be just like our father—"

"No. I'm not saying that. But maybe you could clean your act up a little, so you can leave me out of your BS..."

By now, we're at each other's throats, chests puffed outwards, hands waving with aggression, bickering like a couple of kindergarteners—or a married couple. Over the top of Juliana's dark hair, I spot the bartender inching in our direction, caution swirling in his eyes. Not wanting any trouble, I step back, switching up tactics.

"Do you want the feature or not?"

Her next insult fizzles out on a slow breath. She stays quiet for several seconds, then several more... Avoiding my gaze, she sits back on her barstool, nibbling her lower lip, as a war of mental turmoil rages on in that pretty head of hers.

That's right, dollface. Focus on the prize.

I take a seat myself and light another cigarette, this time purely for pleasure. Propping an ankle atop my knee, I draw in a breath and hold, the smoke warming my lungs. With a smirk, I exhale, my eyes never leaving her sight. Because there's something addicting about Juliana. About someone who's contemplating a deal with the Devil.

"You do, don't you?" I purr.

Her lip plops out from beneath her teeth, the movement rushing blood straight to my groin, before she meets my stare. "I-I..." Wetting her lips with a nervous flick of her tongue, her tiny fist clutches at her skirt fabric absentmindedly. "I..."

"Where else could you land that kind of exposure, hmm?" I stand, noting how her ankles interlock with a slight squirm. She swivels on her stool, staring straight ahead, at the wall lined with liquor she won't drink.

Sweet, innocent Juliana.

I step closer.

There's something else that's addicting. A unique type of hunger, present only when she's near...

I take another step, delighting when her shoulders stiffen in my presence.

... A hunger which silences that pesky, inner voice of reason, igniting in me one single desire...

To get under her skin.

Behind her, I trail a soft finger down her bare arm, eliciting a shiver. "Answer me, Jules."

Looking away, her breathing turns erratic. "I... I don't know," she manages to get out.

"You don't?" I brush her skin once more, this time slower, while tracing the strap of her dress. When she squeezes her thighs together in response, I muster up every ounce of resistance not to nudge them open, only so I can discover how wet she is between them. Banishing the thoughts, I refocus on the deal, my voice like gravel. "A trailer or a run-through of gameplay, in front of thousands, and all you have to do is act like you're mine, for a time."

You're already doing such a phenomenal job, I don't say.

When she remains quiet, I sweep a lock behind her ear, her soft skin soon touching my lips. "I promise I'll behave."

A breathless moan slips from her mouth, the sound forbidden as it is addictive. When she inches closer to the bar, the movement riding her skirt higher up her thighs, I clutch the backside of her chair in restraint.

"No one would believe us."

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