Page 155 of Game Over

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My shoulders release some tension. "Good, good. That's a start. It was constructive, then?" I smile, my gaze ping-ponging between them, until I spot the shadows casting along Hayden's features. "Jeremy," I warn when I see his lips twitching.

"Don't worry, Sis. They were very civil, considerate conversations, and I've been meaning to catch up with Hayden here, my good buddy ol' pal, in person. I just had to take a few weeks to... blow off some steam, is all."

I blink, studying his crooked grin.

"Let me see the texts."

He snickers. "Juliana, I said don't worry—"

My hand slashes through the air, palm up. "Give me your damn phone." As I hold his stare, I anticipate a sigh, but his amusement only grows as he slips a hand into his pocket, brings up the messages, and passes it over.

Finally. Now we can get to the bottom of this—

My jaw freefalls to the floor, the instant I see the first string of text.

Jeremy: Did you know I used to box in high school? I'm thinking of picking up the sport again. Maybe we can spar sometime. No gloves, of course.

"How the hell is that civil?!"

His lips tug at the corners. "Check the others. I think they were more helpful in getting my point across."

Skeptical, I read another.

Jeremy: Just so we're clear. If you mess around with other girls while you're with my sister, I got a metal bat with your Bugatti's name on it.

My heart contracts, as I scroll to see the rest of the text. Awww, that's actually kind of touching. A little violent but—

Jeremy: ... and I'll cut your balls off.


A laugh bursts from his lips. "Which one are you at?! Tell me, tell me. Oh, I got it! Is it the one about arson?"

My eyes bulge. ARSON?! They had a conversation that resorted to FIRE??? I scroll through, not believing my ears, except... wait a minute... hold on, that can't be...

"Why is it only you sending messages...? And why are they so frequent?" I scroll farther, adjusting my glasses at varying lengths down my nose, as if they might provide some insight into such madness. Every day, there's a new text with no response. Sometimes three or more.

Jeremy: I've got my eye on you. If I hear you're playing games with my sister's feelings, I'll...

"Oh my god," I mumble, swiping to the next.

Jeremy: Just know this. If you're pressuring my sister into anything she's not comfortable with, I'll take a little night drive over to that penthouse of yours and...

I shake my head. "Jesus, that's uncalled for."

Jeremy: If I find out you ever lay a finger on my sister, I'll make you scream like a—


His hysteria bellows through the open space, tears stinging his eyes. "I'm sorry—oh!—I'm sorry, that's just too funny. Look at him!" He points to Hayden, who's still in a fear-locked state.

I shove his phone into his chest. "Well, no wonder he's scared shitless!"

Anger simmers in my belly as I watch my brother wipe those tears, battling an onslaught of enjoyment at Hayden's expense. "That's just great, Jer. Instead of sitting down and talking with me over your discomfort, you harass your best friend and forbid him to date me, like I'm some child and have no say in the—"

"I didn't forbid anything."

I suck in a breath, hearing the same reaction behind me. "What?"

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