Page 151 of Game Over

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"I'm sure they'll appreciate that."

We share a smile until his fades, his gaze dropping to my box. "You know I'll always have a place for you here, Hayden. A real job with opportunity to grow and move up in the company. Not the hands-off bullshit Dad put you up to."

Now it's my turn to laugh. "Come on, Elias. Be real. I'd rather hike a mountain than sit in on another stuffy board meeting."

He smirks. "Thought I'd try."

"Don't get me wrong, I appreciate it, especially now that my trust fund's a goner. But don't worry, I've got a decent amount saved up."

He lifts a brow. "Why do you say that?"

"About my trust fund? It's just the truth. You think Dad will continue to support it after what happened yesterday?" I leave out the part where Elias's trust is surely safe, not wanting to tear a rift between us, when we're already mending one. Warren wouldn't jeopardize this company, his legacy, by cutting off the future of our family.

Elias shakes his head. "Didn't you hear? Dad will stand trial. Multiple cases, I'd guess, after hearing that audio clip."


"In the case against Amber—which I doubt he'll win, not after hearing the evidence and seeing who her lawyer is—the trial will revolve heavily around his image, which is bad enough already. Messing with his child's trust fund, especially one who has close ties with the prosecution, will only make him look more guilty."

I immediately start on my rebuttal, only for a tiny sound to escape and my mouth to snap back shut. Huh, that actually makes a lot of sense. It'll probably take some time and several months' worths of bank deposits to sink in, but... I guess that's one less thing I have to fret about.

"Wow," is my only response, to which he purses his lips in a precise way that says that's why I get paid the big bucks.

"Well…" He pats my box. "I'd stay around to chat longer, but Doris might kill me."

I snicker. He's not wrong, there.

As he turns to leave, I snatch his arm, earning his attention. I'm not quite sure of my next words, or why I stopped him, so we stare into each other's eyes for a moment. His, a mirror of my own, but swirling with clouds that are already beginning to clear, ones I desperately hope never return.

"I know you'll lead this company in the right direction."

His teeth sink into his lip, stopping the tremble. "Thank you," he croaks out. "That means a lot." Several heartbeats pass, until he whips around, aiming for the conference room, just to stop abruptly and face me once more. "Oh, and Hayden?"

Box in hand, I lift my head. "Yes?"

"You'll find your way."

Like a crater splashing into a cool lake, his words reverberate into my gut, their innuendo understood instantly.

In life.

I'll find my way in life.

If he would've said that to me months ago, I wouldn't be so sure. But now... now my mind wanders to Juliana, musing on the immense strength she showed in that boardroom, and the patience and love she's given me over these past months. By her side, I'm a better man. Anyone could see that. Even my father—maybe that's why he wanted to take her from me. But little does he know.

No one will.

"I already have."



All publicity is good publicity.

I've heard the old marketing adage countless times. Everyone has. Although, I never gave much thought to the saying, and always dismissed it as sounding more catchy than true.

Take, for example, the idea of one of New York City's wealthiest men plagiarizing the game I've worked five years on and flaunting it as his own on gaming's biggest stage. That would be straight out of my nightmares... and crawled into reality three weeks ago.

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