Page 136 of Game Over

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"It's for your birthday."

Whirling around, I find Hayden leaning against the doorframe, appraising me with a soft expression—just like last night. Unable to suppress my emotions, I sniffle a wet sound and clear my throat, doing little for its rawness.

"My birthday isn't for five months."

He pushes off the doorframe, closing the distance between us on leisure steps. "I'm taking my time with it."

I look up at the skylight, blinking furiously. "Why...? Why would you...?" I falter, already knowing the truth before he speaks.

He pinches my chin gently, tilting it up until I meet his gaze, causing a tear to spill over and skate down my cheek, another slipping in its wake as he murmurs, "Because I love you, Juliana."

Drawing in a quivering breath, my eyes flick between his, basking in their proximity, as those three beautiful words recite in my mind, each rendition bringing more tears. Get it together. I sniffle, definitely looking like a blubbering wreck.

Cupping my jaw, he catches a tear with his thumb. "Gosh, Jules, I didn't mean to bring on the waterworks. Who knew I had such emotional depth?"

I bite my lip on a wide, toothy smile, a giggle clattering through me. That's the best part about Hayden. He always knows how to make everything better.

He swipes more tears, until the well is all dried up. Nerves jitter within me as I gaze up at him, speechless, a response right on the tip of my tongue, like an anxious jumper on a diving board, because... barring family, no one's ever told me they loved me before and I've never uttered the words myself.

But of course, his mind's in tune with mine.

"You don't have to say it back. I'll be here either way."

But that's just it. I'd be here either way. Before DreamScape, I knew that after our arrangement ended, someway, somehow, my heart would wander back here, to this very penthouse, standing outside his bedroom door, longing to be inside. Not on account of these past few months, but because of the past fifteen years.

Looking into his oceany depths, I gently brush a hair off his brow, as if I know I'll be doing it for a lifetime. "How could I not say it back...? Hayden, I've loved you since we were children."

He stumbles back, just a step, eyes bulging like I physically struck him. "Y-you... You have?" he croaks.

"Yes," I whisper, hearing my soul sing. "I've known since that day we drove from your family's estate for the last time, and I prayed I would see you again."

His palms cup my cheeks, applying just enough pressure to make them tingle. "Oh, Juliana..." He blinks, rapidly, looking to the sky, higher than I did moments ago. "That's just... that's—" In a flash, he pulls me into a hug, his arms wrapping securely around my neck.

My cheek squishes into his strong chest for a second, then two, three... until his body shakes against mine, trembling with emotions, igniting mine all over again, but for different reasons. Guilt.

"I'm sorry." His shirt fabric muffles my voice before he eases up. I catch his gaze staring down at me. "I'm so sorry." My chin wobbles. "I shouldn't have..."

"I know—shhhh." He brushes my hair, soothing my worry. "I know, baby."

I blush, despite everything. "I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions after what happened. I could've at least given you the benefit of the doubt and let you explain. And last night..." I choke up, shame taking its hold on me. "I was awful."

He shrugs—actually shrugs. "You could say you were passionate."

"I'm serious."

"Oh, I know you are, and I can't wait to imagine alllll the ways you'll make it up to me." My lips part as a shiver bolts up my spine, causing him to chuckle. "But really, Juliana, you didn't call me anything worse than I've heard before. I knew what I was signing up for when I pulled up to that party last night. You were drunker than a skunk."

My nose scrunches. "Bet I smelled like one, too."

When he doesn't respond, I whack him on the arm playfully.

"Owwwww," he drawls, clutching his bicep like I slugged him with a bat, jaw dropping in shock. "You just love roughing me up, don't you? First, you light my ass up with that vicious tongue, now you're going after my good looks? The audacity..."

I hardly touched him!

"Ohh my—" I roll my eyes to the back of my head, my hand absentmindedly winding up for another—

"See!" He jerks away, pointing.

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