Page 110 of Game Over

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"Tell me," he coos.

"I want to be told to."

His grip tightens, as a shiver visibly racks through him. "So, that's how you want it, then—rough? You think you can handle that?"

I roll my lips between my teeth, suddenly aware of just how big he is beneath me, and I haven't even seen all of him. I don't need to. I'm probably in way over my head, but I want to be able to handle it.

He grins wickedly at my silence, and his next words would no doubt have me weak in the knees, if I were standing. "You want me to break you in, baby?"

My eyes fall by their own accord, as my inner walls clench around air, but he doesn't accept that, apparently, as I earn my clit a stern thrusting, blasting pleasure through me and snapping my eyes open.

"Hmm?" He coils a hand to the front of my neck, the shadow of a necklace, applying light pressure. "You want me to stretch you out? Have that tight pussy wrapped perfectly around my cock before we land?"


"Yes or no?" He adds more pressure, delight flickering in his stare.

I wet my lips. "Yes."

A rumble sounds from deep in his chest. "Then get on your knees."

Yes! I—

Pain reverberates outwards from my left buttocks, in response to the whack sounding in the air. "Now—I'm not going to tell you again."

Every hair on my body raises on end, peaked with excitement, as I scramble off his lap, rush to my feet, and—

"Take your dress off, too."

I obey with haste, earning a hum full of praise, followed by a vicious curse once the fabric pools around my ankles.

"Dirty fucking girl." Widening his stance, his eyes flicker to the ground, where my knees quickly drop. In a flash, he's tossing his jacket across the couch and unbuttoning his shirt. "Matching bra and panties? What were your intentions for tonight, hmm?"

"N-nothing," I stammer.

Heat stains my skin when he cups my jaw, lifting my head to look at him—and good lord, what a magnificent sight he is. Lounged comfortably with an arm draped across the backside of the couch, Hayden flexes his abs, glistening in all his tan glory. An impressive outline bulges in his tight pants, angled off to the side, leaving little mystery about what's coming my way. And his chin... it's held up high as he peers down at me, the embodiment of wealthy arrogance.

"Nothing? What about that sweet pussy—is it shaved, too?"

My lips part, the answer lodged in my throat.

He burns with satisfaction. "Unbuckle my belt, Jules."

I nearly whimper when he brushes a thumb across my lips, before he drapes that arm along the couch, too. Hands free. His lips curve in a devilish smirk as he watches. Nerves and anticipation thunder beneath my skin as I fumble with his belt. When I unhook the clasp, granting access to his zipper, I hesitate, glancing his way.

"Look at you, waiting for permission. Such a quick learner."

My toes curl at the praise.

"Have at me, baby. I'm all yours."

Say no more.

I practically yank off his zipper, but when I'm presented with his light gray boxers, and the delicious outline underneath, I slow down... and trace a single finger up its length. Instantly, Hayden's legs quiver, along with the flexing of his abs, all while his mouth hangs ajar on a silent O.

As I tread back down, I don't hide my smirk, because I truly, truly think I might've found myself an addiction.

Adding more pressure, and the rest of my fingers, I sweep across his length, exploring, enjoying his every grunt and sharp inhale, especially when I focus on his tip—yes, he really likes that.

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