Page 9 of Major

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“Hi, Sebastian. Yes.” Forrest and Alistair walked in, followed by two extremely large older men and two very beautiful women.

“Elena, this is Ally, Doc, and Cruz, all skilled nurses and medics. That’s Gray, our resident OB/gyn back home. She specializes in multiple births and high-risk pregnancies.”

“That’s me,” she frowned. “High-risk.”

“That’s just it, Elena,” she said, standing next to the bed. “It’s not high-risk. In fact, there’s nothing wrong. The original test results were still in the system, and we pulled those. They indicated a normal, healthy seven-week-old fetus.

“The results in the file out there are falsified, but we don’t understand why. Yet. They are not your results.”

“I-I don’t understand. Why do I hurt?” she asked.

“I think you’re experiencing normal pains from the pregnancy, but it’s enhanced because he’s been giving you something to make you cramp.”

“Where is he?” growled Major.

“Relax,” said Gray. “My friend has paged him to get him to come to the hospital. He’s agreed that we need to take you out of here for your own safety.”

“Daphne said there were men that came in and out of her room these last few days. Several men.” Cruz looked at Doc and walked back out into the hallway. They contacted the tech team, asking them to get access to the hospital security cameras.

“Gray?” said the man at the door.

“Oh, Jonathon. These are my friends. Everyone, Dr. Jonathon Miller.”

“Thank you for helping us,” said Major.

“Not a problem, and I’m sorry this happened. Dr. Hijad is in the physician’s lounge now. He thinks I’ve got the team prepping her for surgery.”

“Well, then,” said Sebastian, “let’s go see what the good doctor has to say.”

“We’ve got her,” said Cruz, walking back into the room with Doc. “You boys take care of the doctor.”

“I’ll be right back,” said Major, kissing her lips. She smiled up at him, and he leaned down toward her ear. “I’ve been waiting to see that face beneath me again.”

Elena blushed, laughing at him as he left with Sebastian, Alistair, and Forrest.

“You’re stuck with us,” smiled Cruz.

“Why are you all so pretty? I mean, seriously, my girlfriends would be so jealous right now,” she said, smiling at them.

“My wife would make sure they kept their hands off,” said Doc. “But thank you. You’re pretty gorgeous yourself.”

“I’m just going to do a quick exam on you,” said Gray. “Are you okay with everyone being in here?”

“Of course, but shouldn’t someone be guarding me? What if those men come back?”

“Sweetie,” laughed Ally. “Doc and Cruz are former Navy SEALs. No one is going to touch you.”


“They’re prepping her for the surgery now. I’ll make it look official and figure out a way to get the nurses out of the room. I’ve bribed the anesthesiologist, just like you said. He was more than willing to do what I asked. She’ll lose one of her fallopian tubes and, of course, the child, but she’ll be able to have other children. Once she’s in a weakened state, you can take her and do as you wish. I just don’t know why you need me to do this.”

They could hear a voice on the other end of the line but couldn’t understand what was being said. Standing inside the doctor’s lounge, Hijad never even bothered to turn when they entered.

“Yes, I know it’s not my place to question you. I promise she’ll be in a weakened state and compliant with whatever you ask. I’ll give you something that will make her tell you where everything you want is located. Yes, yes, I have it…” He stopped, turning to see the massive men in the doorway. “What are you doing in here? You can’t be here. This is for doctors only.”

“I’m afraid you’re going to need to come with us,” said Major. “It looks like you’ll be needing a doctor.”

Sebastian grabbed the cell phone, staring at the screen. It didn’t list a number, just an unknown caller.

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