Page 40 of Major

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“Well, sir,” smiled Nigel. “Drones really weren’t around when all the stuff happened in the tunnel in Egypt. I mean, they were, but only our military was using them, and it was all top secret.” Hex smiled at him, nodding.

“We know, son.”

“Right. Well, the drones weren’t really used, but we did have satellites. The ones being used at that time were old and clumsy. They didn’t have great range.”

“Nigel, we’re growing old here,” said Luke.

“You guys are really impatient,” he frowned. “Spencer and me built a program that searched old satellite photos using specific coordinates in and around the collapsed tunnel. We were able to see everything the day of the collapse and everything that has happened since then at those coordinates.”

The room was quiet, staring at one another, then back at the boys.

“Hayes? Can you speed this up for us?” asked Luke.

“Sure,” he smiled. Pigsty connected the laptop to the screen and then brought up the still shots of the day of the collapse. “Miss Elena, this might be hard for you.”

“Thank you, Hayes, but it’s alright. I’ve run this through my head many, many times. Please. Continue.”

“Okay. These first few photos are from two days before the collapse. There’s movement, digging, people working, but what’s more interesting is the photo at night where four figures in black entered the tunnel, spent almost two hours inside, then walked out. They didn’t steal anything. They didn’t carry anything.”

“Could they have set the explosives?” asked Elena. Hayes nodded.

“It’s possible. This is the day of the explosion. In this photo, you see your father speaking to four men outside the tunnel.”

“I don’t recognize those men. They weren’t part of his team,” she whispered.

“They don’t appear to be arguing. They’re speaking calmly, and then your father shakes their hands. They appear to be friends.” Elena appeared confused, but the others prodded for Hayes to continue.

“This might be hard, Miss Elena.”

“It’s alright, Hayes,” she said, smiling at the sweet young man.

“Your father walks into the tunnels with Dr. Goldmeir and the other workers, then approximately eleven minutes later, the explosion occurs. We see people scrambling, military trucks entering the area, other dig sites running toward them.

“The next few hours are dozens and dozens of people moving around the site. It’s the same for the next few days and eventually weeks. The site is closed, even the entryway is completely blocked. I moved to the date of the other team’s entrance from the opposite side. We see a number of people digging, moving in and out, then engineers coming in to make sure that the site is safe.”

“Hayes is there a reason for all of this?” asked Hex.

“Stay with me.”

“He’s telling a story,” said Spencer. “We found a video of the entrance at night. Four men in black entering the tunnel.”

“No,” whispered Elena. “The same four men?”

“We’re not sure,” said Spencer. “But this time, they enter and leave with two massive crates. The crates are loaded into trucks, covered, and they speed away. A few hours later, the tunnel collapses again.”

“What in the world is going on? Did they go in to try and find the bodies of my father and the others?” she asked.

“Honey, I think we all know the answer to that question. It’s unlikely that they were willing to risk their lives for people who’d died years before. They obviously went in there to find what your father couldn’t.”

“I think it’s important to note that prior to these men entering, the dig team assigned to this was telling everyone that they were close to finding something that would change the world,” said Hayes.

“Wh-who was in charge of the dig?” she asked. The boys stared at her, then back at the others. “Pigsty, Hayes, all of you. Who was in charge of the second dig?”

“Dr. Roderick Weathers,” said Hayes quietly. Major looked at her, her face pale.

“Babe, who is that?” he asked.

“He’s the man that ruined my career. He’s the one that had me present bogus information that kept me away from the dig sites.”

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