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Ready to have fun and let go. I'd been holding on too tight and it was time to let go.

It was July 4th, Independence Day. There was a yacht party happening and I was going to have some fun.


The first thing I did was grab a drink for myself. Greg was right, I needed this break. I hadn't been able to turn my mind off since I arrived, which was almost a month ago now. I enjoyed the umbrella-decorated concoction, which went down fast, and got another one. I couldn't completely let go. Even though I was technically off duty, you're always "on" as captain. I had to keep my head on straight.

I sucked from the straw and wandered around, then I went down to the party deck which was jam packed and the music was loud. People danced, lounged in the chairs under umbrellas set up to shade from the hot sun. The next deck down was the hot tub and the pool. The hot tub was full and I made a note to myself for it to be thoroughly cleaned tomorrow.

It was difficult to keep myself in 'off duty' mode but I had to and all I could do was turn a blind eye to the overcrowding in the tub, and guests already on their way to stupidity. Curses! I couldn't turn a blind eye and pulled out my phone to text Greg and asked him to deal with it so I didn't have to.

I continued strolling through the crowd, searching, but not finding...him. The drink mellowed me and warmth flushed through my body. It was heavenly and I relaxed a little more, determined to enjoy the music. I even did a little sashay through the dancers with my drink held high, head back, and hair tumbling down to my waist. Oh yes, I needed this.

A blast from the horn of an approaching tender broke the spell and I extricated myself from the gyrating group. At the rail, I looked over and my heart beat double-time when I saw Beck on the swim platform. His arms were crossed, he wore dark sunglasses, the wind ruffled his hair, and his expression was stern.

Lord, that man was something to look at. The alcohol, dance moves, and watching him were more than enough to stroke my libido. Especially since I denied myself him since the night of the storm. I still wanted him.

Had I been right in keeping my distance? I was hired for a job and I took my responsibilities seriously for my and Fletch's reputation.

I couldn't let him down or do anything stupid — uhm you already have girl, like sleeping with the boss — since Fletch recommended me, I had to do him proud.

I sucked on the straw, watching Beck from above. My body wanted what it wanted and that was Beck. Seeing him set me afire and it was as if I could feel him. Touching me, in me, tingles raced up and down my spine, an aching heat settled in my belly, and my nipples hardened. My response was so powerful, I almost choked on the drink.

Oh, yeah, I wanted him. Bad. The question was, did he want me after my snubs?

He'd indicated that earlier he wanted to talk and I was eager to find out what about.

The tender pulled alongside and tied off. Deckhands helped people aboard and then Beck looked up and saw me. I froze mid-sip.

It was too late to step back. He’d caught me watching him. I gripped the railing with my free hand, holding my drink in the other as I gazed down at him, and he up at me. Straw still in my mouth, cup in hand, I waved at him with my pinky finger. He smiled wide and he nodded at me. My knees trembled. I was totally combustible in his presence and a complete wreck around him!

See, Micki, this is why you should avoid him! I screamed internally.

No matter how hard I tried, the anticipation of what I wanted to happen between us refused to go away. I mean we'd only slept together once, made out twice and he'd explored more of me, than me of him and his kisses. Oh, his kisses. I needed more Beck time.

Beck was being spoken to and he turned his attention from me and followed the new guests up the steps. I watched for him and realized I was holding my breath.

What was happening to me? My determination to keep him at arm's length was failing miserably.

I didn't want to appear too eager.

When I finally saw him, I couldn't help smiling. He was looking for me too and when our eyes met, I wobbled a bit at the surge of delight. He came right over to me and I wanted to jump into his arms. I didn't and maintained a respectable distance.

"You came?" He looked down at me and my mouth went dry so I took a long pull of my drink.

"Yes. I decided to come. All work and no play makes for a dull day."

He smiled and nodded. "It certainly does. You're here for a good time, then, are you?" The smoldering look he gave me promised that if I let him, he would make sure I had a very good time.

"I think so, but maybe we ought to talk first?" I maintained eye contact with him, wanting to see the expression on his face. Did he or did he not want to talk?

Beck nodded. "Yes. I'd like to talk. How about a little later, because we have a party to enjoy." I laughed at the glint in his eye.

I glanced around and then back to him. "Everyone is having a good time. Your staff put a lot of work into making this party perfect, we must enjoy their efforts. Don't you think?” I suggested.

"Yes, I agree." His voice was low and sultry. He took my hand and led me to the dance floor.

Beck took my glass and put it down, then swung me into his arms, twirled me, and swept me around and between the other dancers. His touch was intoxicating and I craved it. I ran my hands up his arm to lock my fingers behind his neck. I tipped my head back and he glanced at me.

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