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He tightened his grip on me and it helped. Lord it did, and I whimpered at my weakness. This stupid irrational fear of storms was a ridiculous problem. Anyway, if it all went to shit now, at least I was in his arms.

The wind keened around us, and I felt Intrepid getting anxious against her anchor chain. She pitched a little and then settled back down and I listened for the stabilizer alarm. Nothing and I let out a sigh.

"Maybe the storm is having one last yowl at us," I said against his chest and inhaled his scent which calmed me.


I lifted my face and our eyes locked.

Another bolt of lightning and thunder rent the sky and our lips crashed together with a fury that rivaled the maelstrom outside. I'd been holding back my desire since our first night together. Now it poured out of me just as wild and tumultuous as the tempest battering us. He groaned, lifting me, his hands cupping my ass, and carried me to the chart table. He put me down, our lips never parting, and his hands were everywhere. I was panting and clutching him, almost mindless with desire.

Then his hand was in my pants. He found my heat, and his magic fingers carried me swiftly into a different kind of tempest. One that I wanted more of. I cried into his mouth when my orgasm split me open just like lightning. And another was coming at me. I fell back on the chart table. He was relentless and I was putty when he pulled my pants off and kissed my belly, moving lower until his mouth found me. Unable to move, think. I clamped my thighs on him as he brought me to the pinnacle, at the same moment as a great crash of thunder. It was glorious and I fell limp.

"Oooh, Beck…" Had I passed out for a minute?

He'd wrecked me.

Beck gathered me up in his arms, cradling and soothing me. I'd never felt so safe and secure and couldn't remember the last time I'd felt this way in anyone's arms.


Having her back in his arms was perfect. The way she held him and was molded to him sent a wave of protectiveness rushing through him. At this point, the complications that weighed on him about a relationship with her didn't matter. He would think about that tomorrow.

This powerful feeling was foreign to him and he'd have to process it. What he did know was that he liked it.

"I'll stay with you here tonight," he whispered in the darkness. It surprised him she was afraid of storms and he wouldn't force her to admit it. She might tell him why on her terms.

She nodded her head and relaxed into him. Beck drew in a sharp breath, amazed she sought him for comfort. It wasn't often he offered comfort or willingly gave it, but Micki was different.

"I don't like the storm." Her voice was low and muffled against his chest. He realized it was probably one of the most difficult things for her to say. Admitting something frightened her. For someone so strong, in control, and powerful, it must've been difficult.

"It is a doozy. But you have kept us all safe, the day went by perfectly. We can't control the weather."

"No, we certainly can't. I hope you can complete the business you had planned. Because we should have been halfway back to Love Beach by now and are way behind schedule. Once the worst is past, I plan to head back to Passion Cove."

"No rush. When you think it's safe."

"Let me down and I'll check the radar." She unwound her arms from his neck.

Reluctantly Beck let her go. The sudden loss of her in his arms struck him.

She looked at the radar and then checked the instruments.

"Okay, the storm is blowing out to sea, that's good. Nothing is coming up behind it. Also good." She turned and leaned back against the console. "We should be good to get underway in a couple of hours."

They looked at each other in the dark with only the instrument panel's glow.

Right then another vibrant flash and a crack of thunder shook the boat. As if to say, I'm not done with you yet.

Micki cringed and then stood tall. He smiled. She was trying not to let it show that the storm bothered her. All he wanted to do was sweep her up in his arms and carry her to his cabin. But he couldn't. She was captain of Intrepid. Needed at her post.

He also sensed her mood had shifted after he put her down. Much like it had after the night they slept together. It saddened him, but he would never force her.

Lightning lit up the bridge again and she was looking over the instruments panel. Fletch was right about her capabilities and he grudgingly agreed that she also came with a whole bunch of other complications.

"I'll stay with you through the next couple of hours." His voice was almost drowned out by another clap of thunder. He saw her shake her head.

"No, no need. Go back to your cabin or wherever it is you need to be. If I need you I'll call you." She didn't look up and remained focused on the instruments.

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