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She's doing okay so far. We're at the island after the overnight cruise

Glad to hear it. I have every confidence in her.

You could have told me she was a girl

Woman you mean. And would it have made a difference?

It might've

I can't believe you said that

No, whatever, just heal so you can get back on this boat and do your job

I have a bit of bad news, buddy... Seems like I'm going to be in a cast for at least four to five months and then I have physiotherapy. If you're happy with Micki, she's yours until I come back

For fuck's sake. Are you kidding me?

I probably won't be able to come aboard until closer to Christmas. And we're planning on overwintering in Love Beach anyway

Right, let's talk again. Burning daylight here

Beck slipped his phone into the pocket of his shorts and finished the now cold coffee in his mug. It was a brilliant sunrise over the island painting the sky a spectacular array of colors tinged with shades of red.

Red sky in the morning…


Beck was ashore and ready to escort everyone around the island. He pulled out his phone and checked his messages. The golf carts he'd rented would be here at any minute. The island was too big to walk around so he'd had to find somewhere to rent the carts and have them brought over. Luckily a golf resort close by was able to help out.

The hum of the carts increased as they got closer.

"Okay, everyone, here comes our ride. We'll do a tour around the island. It will give you a feel for it, and then return here for lunch, enjoy the beach, talk business over lunch, and then head back to the yacht for further discussion or relaxing, whichever you prefer. Dinner will be aboard Intrepid."

"Can we swim here?" a woman asked.

"Yes, it's safe if you stay close to shore and some of our crew will remain with you. Just don't go in alone." It was sunny now but he saw clouds on the horizon. He remembered Micki talking about potential weather changes.

Beck walked over to greet the incoming drivers. A few minutes later after some organizing and reshuffling, all were aboard the golf carts. Beck came up the rear to make sure there were no stragglers. They drove around the island, stopping at important locations to outline his ideas for them and how he planned to integrate all the buildings into the landscape. As part of the comprehensive visit he’d lined up, everyone received lunch. It had always been a dream to create an eco-sustainable retreat.

Cruising around in the golf carts was ideal. He was pleased to be here again and kept an eye on those in the other carts, doing his best to read their facial expressions.

They arrived at the southwestern edge of the island and stopped. It was his favorite spot on the island. He gazed out across the blue water. Today it took on a turquoise hue and also seemed colorless at the same time. The cove was white sand and ringed with trees.

"This is gorgeous," one of the women stated. "Is this where the resort is going?"

"This spot is special. But no, it won't be the location of the resort. That was the last stop on the eastern side of the island."

"Shame, it would be lovely here."

"I agree, but I want to keep this untouched. It's too beautiful to build on," Beck told them and there was a chorus of agreement. He glanced to the southeast and eyed the sky. It was looking a bit ominous.

"We’d best get a move on, lunch is ready."

Everyone climbed on the carts, and they began the ride back to the landing site.

They arrived at the beach in time for waiting drinks and sizzling food being moved from the BBQ to platters. Some people were swimming and others sat by a bonfire that had been lit. Many of the significant others had remained to relax and enjoy the beach.

Lunch was on a table under a sun sail stretched between the trees. It all looked very inviting.

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