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A few minutes passed and I didn't want to move. When hands circled my waist and slid around to my belly, I nearly jumped out of my skin and let out a gasp of surprise.

"What are you doing standing out here all by yourself?" I'd know that voice anywhere. Low and soft next to my ear sending shivers down my spine.

"Just enjoying the air. It's a beautiful night." I was tempted to lean back on him, but I didn't. If I did there'd be no surprise as to what would come next. As much as I'd love it to happen, now wasn't the time or place.

"It's a nice night." His breath ruffled my hair. "You smell good. The combination of the sea air and the warmth of your skin intoxicates me." He was a silver-tongued devil.

I didn't open my eyes and instead did my best not to shiver from the rush of desire racing through me. Just his voice in my ear made me crave him.

"You shouldn't be here. I have a job to do," I could only manage a whisper.

"I can help you do your job," he said and pulled me against his chest, running his palms up my arms to cup my neck.

"Beck… I'm doing what I have to do. What you hired me to do, to captain the ship…ahh," I moaned when his lips traced a path down the side of my neck. The words I was about to say vanished on the breeze. Proving he was risky business. Distracting. And oh so desirable.

I turned and looked up at him. There was no moon and his face was shadowed, making it impossible to see his expression. "And you have guests to deal with."

His hand snaked up my back and pressed between my shoulder blades. I wasn't able to — nor did I want to — resist. Our eyes locked on each other as he leaned down and covered my mouth with his. I sighed into him.

Damn! Only one night together and I was in a fever for him.

Blood rushed through my veins, drowning out all sounds of the sea, and air. Being in his arms was perfection. How was it that we were drawn so strongly to each other in such a short space of time?

His mouth slanted across mine, his hands pushed into my hair, and all coherent thought vanished. I didn't resist when our bodies came together. Fused from chest to hips I wished there was no barrier of clothing between us.

This was dangerous. We could be seen, and my authority jeopardized. But all that drifted away again on the sensations he roused in me. Through the haze of passion, I could hear a pinging coming from inside.

"I need to see what that is," I said against his lips and reluctantly lifted my head.

Beck didn't resist. And I slid down his chest when he let my legs drop, not realizing he'd picked me up. I trailed my fingers along his chest and down his arm until our fingertips touched and clung together briefly. Inside I checked a warning light flashing on a console, swearing under my breath that I'd allowed momentary passion to keep me from my duty. Thankfully it wasn't anything serious and I checked our heading. Everything was fine, but I made a note in the log book for the Chief Engineer to check in the morning.

I glanced at Beck through the open door. He had his back to me and was looking out over the sea. Even from behind he was striking and I stiffened my knees to steady myself. I had to be careful. He was far too delicious a distraction if I let him get in the way of my work.

I'd have to keep him at arm's length, at least until we were back at Love Beach. Until then captaining Intrepid had to be more important than being with Beck.

He turned and caught me watching him. I returned his smile. He touched his forehead with his fingertip and left the deck.

Only then did I realize I was holding my breath. Ignoring him was going to be a challenge.


The overnight passage had gone without a hitch. Anything can happen when at sea, and I was glad when we finally pulled into the bay and were about to drop anchor. It was just coming sunrise, and the ship was quiet. Except for the deck hands, and Cindy–she was busy in the galley whipping up her special bakery treats.

I'd become used to Jessica bringing me my morning coffee and breakfast. She knew where to find me and what I liked. I appreciated it and had grown eager to see her each morning. But first, we had to position and anchor Intrepid in the bay. The deck crew were on standby and my First Mate was also on the bridge.

I kept an eye on the foredeck to double-check everything was going smoothly.

The radio crackled, and the lead deckhand’s voice came across the speaker. "Forward anchor, away, and holding.

I responded to him and watched the screen which showed the positioning of Intrepid with the forward anchor to see how she would swing with the current. This crew worked well together.

I made notations in the log book and finished when Jessica's bright voice greeted me from behind.

"Good morning, Cap."

I turned around. "Morning. Wow! How you manage those trays with so much on them is a wonder."

She laughed. "I've got my sea legs." She carefully put the tray down.

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