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He wanted to get to know her more and here among the crowd of his crew would probably be the best place. Otherwise … things might get out of control between them.

Beck refilled his glass and wove his way through the crowd of dancers going down, down, down, to the tunes of Rock Lobster. It seemed to be a retro music theme tonight and it got into his blood as well. He grabbed a handful of nuts along the way and tossed a few into his mouth. At the railing, he rested his hip and shook his hand, ready to toss more nuts into his mouth. His crew were having a great time and it pleased him. They were family to him; even though he tended to remain aloof, they meant a lot. His crew was top-notch. Fletch was careful who he hired and brought aboard Intrepid, knowing the importance of the ship's tight-knit community.

He put the glass down, brushed the crumbs from his hands over the rail and paused when Mick emerged from the galley steps. His whole body reacted to seeing her. His chest tightened and suddenly he needed more water to drink to push down the pecans that got caught in his throat. Fine. Okay. He admitted to himself he was highly attracted to her.

She wandered among the crew and there was a group of women dancing, and she joined them. A reggae song came on and she swung to the beat, her body fluid, moving as if she were part of the music. Beck was captivated. Gone was the ragamuffin girl that appeared on the boat. Instead, here was a woman. Her confidence in her abilities and every move she made was a powerful aphrodisiac.

He thought she'd settled for the night after their encounter on the stairs and was glad to see her. She mingled with the crew as if she'd been aboard more than just a week, and clearly, they'd accepted her.

He pushed off the railing and as he approached the group, the song changed to a slow one. Some dancers sat down but the rest paired off, and she stood there. Alone. As if deciding what to do.

He held out his hand. "Shall we?"

She spun around and faced him. Their eyes met and goddamn if the feelings didn't roar to the surface. She smiled and took his hand. He led her to the dance floor, turning her to face him. She barely came to his shoulders. He took her in his arms, she rested her hand on the back of his neck, and he curled his fingers around her other hand.

Sensual tunes floated on the evening breeze. They swayed, as if lost in a world of their own, holding each other and moving in unison between the other dancers. She fit into him like a long-lost puzzle piece. Beck looked down to find she was watching him and he smiled. She did too.

"I thought you'd gone to your cabin for the night," he said in a low voice.

"I did, but I changed my mind."

"I'm glad you did." Beck tightened his hold on her and liked the way she stepped in closer to him, letting his knee slip between her thighs.

The music slid into another slow song and he didn't release her. Nor did she make a move to leave his embrace. He raised his eyebrows and she nodded, settling in nicely to him, resting her head on his chest. Beck sucked in a breath with the overpowering urge to wrap her tight in his arms and not let her go. She was very light in his arms as if he was holding a feather.

He was confounded by his response to her, and hanging in the back of his mind was the fact she was so much younger than him, and the complication with Fletch. But…she was an adult. She might be younger than him, and he knew he'd have to tread very carefully, especially since she was now technically an employee. She was able to make her own decisions.

Beck asking me to dance was unexpected. I couldn't say no to my boss.

Who was I kidding? I wanted to dance with him and feel his arms around me, the heat of his body, and press myself close to him. It had been impossible to get him out of my head since we toured Intrepid.

He was a bit of an enigma, but I'd figure him out soon enough. I'd been around enough people and men, and I was pretty confident with my judge of character. Beck appeared like a gruff and grumbly bear, but I was sure deep down inside he was nothing but a softie, a teddy bear. And I wondered why he put on the front.

He swept me into his arms. Another surprise. He knew how to dance and I relaxed into him, loving every minute.

My gaze ran over his face now slightly covered in a whisper of stubble. I assumed he was the same age as Fletch, which would put him about late 30s to 40s.

He was mature, and I liked that. I didn't think of him as a father figure, far from it. My lifestyle made it difficult to have a relationship; however, I was open to having a lover and being in strong arms. Beck's strength and confidence made me want him…badly. He looked down and caught me staring at him. I smiled and he returned it. A thrill raced down my spine when his knee pushed between my thighs and I pressed myself to him and our bodies moved as one. It was a damn good thing he held me tightly or I would have puddled to the floor.

We'd danced through two songs and when that second one ended I reluctantly stepped out of his hold.

"Thank you, that was quite nice."

He tipped his head. "Likewise. What are your plans for the rest of the evening?" His gaze bore into mine and I wondered if he was asking me specifically if I wanted company. I wanted to say yes, but I felt it would be prudent to be more professional for the time being.

I reluctantly answered, "Well, since it's a busy day tomorrow I should get an early night…" It was difficult to say the words.

As we looked at each other, the sexual tension between us was electric. I wanted to grab his hand and drag him back to my cabin. Instead, I clasped my hands together and squeezed until it hurt.

"Of course. If you need me through the night I'm always available." His voice was low and dripping with sexuality. Was that another invitation? I steeled myself. He was making this too easy!

"Thank you, I'm sure I'll be fine. I'll be up quite early and do need my beauty sleep." I paused and looked at my watch, "It's time for me to hit my bunk."

"All right then, I'll see you in the morning. Sleep well," he said and strode away.

How easy it would've been to ask him to join me. I looked down at my clenched fingers and knew this wasn't the right time for a dalliance. With Beck gone, my desire to hang out with the partiers vanished. I moved through the dancers and made sure to acknowledge and wish them goodnight.

I veered to the food table, and put a couple of mini pastries on a plate to take back to my cabin. On my way out I thanked the caterer and checked all was in order for the cleanup. Just before leaving, I paused with a last glance at the thinning crowd of dancers. Beyond the reach of the party lights was the shadow of a man.

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