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A secret I've never told anyone is how terrifyingly easy I find it to read people's eyes. It's a gift that comes with being invisible,but it's a gift that's not without costs. Because there's no turning back, no way to unsee what I see.

And sometimes, what I see breaks my heart.

Eyes are supposed to be the windows to one's soul, but sometimes...

A person's eyes...

It's what reveals when they have no soul to begin with.

Even when I wish it wasn't so, a person's eyes can never lie, and no matter how much I wish that this friend in school or that person from work is someone I can trust—-

Their eyes always give them away.

It always has been so...untilhim.

And I just don't get it.

I stare into Ezio's eyes, and it's the epitome of soulfulness.

His soul exists, and it's the real him who's underneath all the urban legends and blood-stained legacy that comes with being a Marchetti.

Please make me understand, God.

Is this supposed to mean something?

Is there a reason why it's this man's eyes alone that I can't read?

And is it the same reason why he's able to save me?

"How are you feeling?"

Hesoundsconcerned, but is he really?

"How many fingers do you see?"

I almost sigh in relief. Nowthat,I can answer. "Four."

He relaxes, but seeing this has the opposite effect on me.

Oh no.

The truth hits me all of a sudden, and a wave of nausea has me jerking to my feet. I


He's on his feet as well, only he's not swaying like I am.

Ezio reaches for me, and I automatically jump back.

He frowns.

"I think you should see a doctor."

I start shaking my head but stop when the sides of my temple throb anew.

"You are clearly not okay."

He's suddenly in front of me, and I catch a whiff of his aftershave.

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