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"And I was wrong."

Please just help me understand.


FRANCISCO:She's gone.

The other man's text had arrived in his inbox hours ago, and Ezio had been reading it over and over.

She's gone.

It should have pleased him to know this. But the words only made him feel even empty.Deathused to be the only verdict hisfamigliahanded to traitors. But even now, he knew...

He would rather kill himself than hurt a single strand of her head.

And so he had sought to destroy her instead.

Because it was just as Drake said.

A snake that no longer felt safe in its den would never waste time slithering out to escape, and that was exactly what she had done.

The moment she had seen photos of Ezio with another woman, all of which had been staged to make him look as if he were being unfaithful, she had realized that she held no influence over him, and that was it.

Game over.

And just like what any self-respecting traitor would do, she had been wise enough not to risk confrontation with hisfamiglia.

She had moved on, and he knew he should, too.

But how?

Thoughts of her shadowed his every thought, and he didn't even have to close his eyes to see her. No matter where he looked, she was there.



A picture of tenderness and betrayal.

And it made him feel like he was about to lose his mind.

Was this how it would be for the rest of his life?

Was this how it felt, to have loved a woman who had no soul?

Ezio wearily came to his feet. He had been in the airport for hours now, having flown back to Boston to say his goodbyes to the rest of hisfamiglia.Or at least that was the plan. But he realized now it was just too fucking soon.

The memories of their time together were still too fresh, and if he were to come back to his grandmother's estate, those memories would beeverywhere.

It didn't even make sense, why she would want to betray them like that.

He had already married her, for fuck's sake.

Or was it because she blamed them for her parents' death, and this was her twisted way of avenging them?

I'm fucking over trying to make sense of this,Ezi thought.

He wasn't sure where he wanted to go from here, but wherever he ended up, he would simply call his grandmother and apologize over the phone. He would leave Giancarlo to tell her the rest, and because they werefamiglia,he knew they would understand.

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