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A knock sounded on her door, and she sensed someone come in.


Her head jerked up."Signora?"

The last time she saw the older woman looking this pale, it was the day Ysabel had askedLa Stregato help her leave Massimo.

And the realization had Cat speaking in a rush.

"I know what you're thinking, but you're wrong."

"Sono desolata."

The apology had Cat desperately shaking her head in denial. "Why won't you listen to me? It'snotwhat you think. I...I know my husband, and y-you'll see. When he comes back—-"

"It's over, Cat."

"YousaidI have two months—-"

"Hecalledme," the older woman revealed painfully. "And asked if I would allow him to divorce you."

The rest of Cat's words died in her throat.




"P-Please tell me you're lying."

"I'm sorry,bambina."

Cat felt like throwing up.

Why? Why? Why?

This wasn't supposed to happen.

I don't understand, God.

Had He been saying something else all along?

"I am so, so sorry.Sono desolata.I never wanted this to happen. I thought things would be different."

So did I,Cat thought numbly.

"I am so, so sorry."

Cat made an effort to rouse herself out of her shock when she heard the pain in the older woman's voice.

"It's not your fault,signora." She tried her best to smile, if only to makeLa Stregafeel better, but instead, she found herselffighting back tears. "You didn't ask for this.I did.You did everything to warn me about the risks I was taking. But I wanted this. I thought I could...I t-thought I could make him love me—-"

I don't understand, God.

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