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And she didn't stop until she heard him groan her name.


And it was the most beautiful feeling.

Yes, yes, yes.

The way the heat of his seed filled her to the brim.

Ti amo. Ti amo. Ti amo.

The words played endlessly in her mind as she fell asleep in her husband's arms.

And as Ezio carefully scooped her out of the tub and dressed his wife in his shirt, those were also the words that echoed in his mind.

Ti amo. Ti amo. Ti amo.

And they terrified him to the core of his being.

Because he had a feeling it was true.

He was starting to fall in love with his wife.

And how could that be a good thing when he also knew that Cattleya had not married him for love?


"SET A TRAP," DRAKEMorrison advised them. "Use whatever bait you can think of. Do whatever you can to find out who she is, then make her think that she's lost her hold on whichever Marchetti she's connected to. Make herbelievethat she's lost all influence.Attackher on all sides."

The FBI agent's voice remained remarkably casual even as he emphasized the need for ruthlessness, and Ezio was beginning to see that the other man'sAll-Americanboy-next-door good looks were nothing but a facade.

"Have whoever it is in communication with her threaten and blackmail her if she fails to deliver. That's going to make your snake desperate. And we want that. Desperate creatures are always prone to mistakes. So she'll either try to leave because she thinks it's only a matter of time before you're on to her...or she'll do something even more stupid and make a move against one of you. Either way, she'll expose herself, and then it will be your turn."

The rest of the meeting was spent on discussing the various options the Marchettis had in dealing with the traitor, most of which were legal while a few were...questionable.

Drake's wife, Kayra, had also dropped by to join them. The woman was as beautiful as she was deadly, and if her reputation didn't precede her, Ezio would have a hard time believing that this was also the same woman whose kill count of FBI'sMost Wantedremained unmatched.

"This snake that you are dealing with? She's the most dangerous type because there is no trusting her. I am sorry to say this," Drake's wife said bluntly, "but whoever she turns out to be, youcannottrust her anymore. No matter how well or how long you think you know her. No matter how much you want to believe this person to be good—-she willneverbe loyal, and you need to deal with her accordingly."

Both Ezio and his eldest brother were quiet on their flight back to Boston from Miami. One look at Giancarlo, and he knew that Kayra's words were still topmost in the other man's mind. It should've been the same for him. But it wasn't.

Nearly a month had already passed since they had learned of the traitor in their midst. But their efforts in uncovering her identity had remained futile. He should be making plans at this moment. He should be thinking of new baits to use.

But instead, Ezio remained unusually distracted, and all he could think about was his wife.


It had also been five weeks since they secretly married, anddamnif those five weeks hadn't been the best time of his life.

It was as if their marriage had unlocked something inside of Cat, and instead of the aloofness she had shown him five years ago, his wife turned out to be the sweetest and most tender little thing with how she absolutely hadzeroshame in revolving her entire world around him.

While she still spent a few hours each day training her potential replacements as assistant to his grandmother, Cattleya happily devoted the rest of her day just thinking of ways to take care ofhim. She insisted on cooking him his favorite meals and even prepared him homemade lunch boxes on the days he had to work at the office. She also loved surprising him with random little gifts. Handwritten notes that were hidden in the pocket of his blazer. Hand-picked flowers on his desk. A surprise stash of granola bars in his drawer.

For someone who had grown up unwanted, the way his wife treated him like a king was addictive, and the more time he spent with her, the more his obsession with her also grew. He only had to see her smile, and he wanted to give her the moon and the stars. He only had to hear her say his name, and he would need to fuck her, whenever and wherever they found themselves at that moment.

He didn't just want her.

Didn't just need her.

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