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He had always done what was expected of him...until now.


And that had to mean something.

That had to be a reason to hope.

Was it not?


THE BUTTERFLIES INher stomach were fluttering their wings nonstop. And could she blame them for doing so? That pretty much summed up her entire mood since leavingLa Strega's study. In one word:fluttery.

Because she was now Mrs. Ezio Marchetti.

Me! Wife! Ezio!

She closed her eyes even as she continued brushing her still-wet hair, her mood rather dreamy as she recollected how the rest of the day went. When they had finished signing the contractsLa Stregahad presented to them, Ezio had stunned her by suddenly pulling her into his arms and kissing her breathless.

Afterwards, he had whispered into her ear,'From now on, you are mine to protect and cherish.'

Just remembering those words had Cat wanting to squeal like the world's most besotted schoolgirl.

Oh, who would have thought someone like Ezio Marchetti could be so, so romantic?

She and Ezio had to part ways after that, but they had reconnected during dinner, and her husband had held her hand under the table theentiretime.

It still had her mind reeling whenever she thought about it, and Cat eventually had to pause in brushing her hair when her fingers started shaking.

Thank You, God.

Because she knew, after everything she had gone through since losing her parents, she knew that there was nothing about life which wasn't under His control. And He always had a reason, for all the bad things that broke her heart...and the good things that stole her breath away.

Thank You.

Because right now, He felt real more than ever. And He was a God who rewarded those who believed in His existence.Always.

Cat set her brush down on the dresser when she was satisfied at the way her locks rested softly against her shoulders. She padded barefoot to the full-length mirror in her bedroom, and despite already warning herselfnotto be distracted—-


She was once again Christine in her mind, and her body began to sway, her feet moving gently from one side to another. She slowly spun around, ready to once again waltz with the curtains like they were her partner in a waltz, but when she opened her eyes, she found herself staring straight into a pair of dark eyes that gleamed brightly in amusement.


She stumbled back and promptly lost her balance in her shock, but before she could fall to the ground,Erik—-no, the Phantom—-no, focus, Cat, it's your husband who now has you in his arms!

Ezio gently guided her back to her feet, but his arm remained around her waist.

"I d-didn't even hear you get in."

"I would not be much of a spy if you did."

"'re not supposed to be here!"

Her husband raised a brow. "I'm not?"

"You know why." They might be married, but they had also signed a contract that required them to keep their relationship a secret.

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