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Cat was glad of not having to lie to Sarica, but this time, she also made sure tolockher door before turning to face her reflection on the mirror.

Unremarkable dark hair, unremarkably serious face, unremarkably slender body.


These were the things about herself that she once struggled to understand and accept, but the five years that went past had given her peace and clarity.

She was made to be this way because she was only meant to be seen by those who truly mattered.

And as unbelievably as it may be, one of those people was Ezio Marchetti.

This is it.

After five long years, she finally had a chance to make it right, and even though it still didn't make sense how someone as beautiful as Ezio Marchetti was part of God's plans for her—-

She was done questioning it.

She was done questioning God.

Today was all about seizing what should have happened five years past.

Carpe diem!


CAT PRETENDED NOT TOnotice the looks of surprise on everyone's faces when they saw her joining them for breakfast.

I know, I know.

This was why she hadn't been able to answer in the affirmative when Sarica assumed they would only meetafterbreakfast.

This was Cat eating her words, after consistently turning down their invitations to dine with the Marchettis during 'special' occasions.

And one certainly couldn't get any more special than this, since it wasn't every year that a new Marchetti bride was joining the entirefamigliafor breakfast the morning after her wedding.

The silence in the dining room remained unbroken even as Cat claimed the last unoccupied seat on the table.

All eyes were on her, but only one person's gaze mattered.

This is it.

She hadn't looked his way yet, not wanting to accidentally give things away.

You can do this, Cat.

She glanced atLa Strega,and the crafty smile on the older woman's lips wasnotparticularly encouraging. The matriarch was obviously relishing everyone's shock, and Cat had a feeling it would only get worse from here.

Lord, please make her behave!

To the good people of Boston,SignoraPotenziana Marchetti was a woman of courage and honor, a woman who hadearnedher right to be the city's queen instead of being born into it. And while all of those things were indeed true—-

Oh, if only.

If only the good people of Bostonalsoknew just how immature their beloved matriarch could be-—

"I have an announcement to make, and now seems a good time as any to make it."

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