Page 96 of Stars Like Confetti

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“You don’t want to see how happy I am? How I’m madly in love with my husband?” Maverick asked before he broke into a fit of giggles again.

Killian grabbed the grown from his head and shoved it into his dark curls. “Nope.”

“Give that back.” Maverick pouted.

“Nah, I think it fits me better. I’m the king, after all.” Killian grinned before he yanked Maverick into a hug. “I hope you know how happy I am for you.”

Maverick’s arms wrapped around our singer’s waist. “Th...Thank you, Kill. I—”

“You don’t have to do that anymore.” He placed the crown back into Maverick’s white hair. “Those were messed up times for both of us. Matthias forgave you, and that means we’re cool in my book.”

“You’re a good friend.” Maverick swiped a few tears from his cheeks before he looked at me and Dean. “I’m lucky that I have all three of you. My friends and brothers.”

My own vision blurred. “We should take another picture,” I suggested.

“I like that idea.” Dean nodded.

“Come on, assholes.” Killian motioned for us to get closer.

Maverick let out that laugh again as he wrapped an arm around me. “Who’s taking this?” he asked when we all stood there waiting.

“We’re such idiots.” Dean barked out a laugh before he held up his phone. “I’m going to put this on my Insta and tag everyone.”

Killian groaned. “Please don’t.” But the smile that tugged at his lips told me he wasn’t against it. In fact, after Dean had taken numerous pictures of us huddled together on my porch, he insisted he post one right now. So that the world could see how happy the members of Mulligan were.

“Thought you hated us.” I knocked his hip with mine.

“I do. Can’t stand you.” Killian knocked me back with a force that made me stumble. “Sorry, I wasn’t trying to do that.”

I nodded. “It’s fine, you’re the Hulk. I get it.”

“You and Tom are good?” Killian’s face grew serious. When I nodded, he folded his arms across his broad chest. “Do I need to warn him what will happen if he fucks up again? I’m a scary guy, Blake. I have no problem helping you out.”

My shoulders shook as I tried to suppress a laugh. “Sure, you are.” I patted his shoulder, but when he continued to glare at me, I realized he wasn’t joking.

“You saved my life. I won’t forget that, and if I have to crack some skulls to prove how much that means to me, I’ll do it. Just say the word.” Killian smacked his fist into his open palm.

“I appreciate that, but there will be no skull cracking,” I assured him as I caught sight of Tommy and Jackson headed our way. Behind them were Matthias and Beau, who were laughing and talking like they were old friends.

Maverick shoved away from his brother at the sight of his husband. “Mouth, please.” He turned his face up for Jackson to drop a kiss against his lips. When he tried to pull away, Maverick grabbed his shirt and kept him there, stepping up onto his toes to prolong the kiss.

“Babe, I missed you.” Killian’s baby blues softened as Matthias slipped his arm through his.

But it was the tall, handsome man with the chocolate-colored eyes and auburn hair that had all of my attention. Tommy cupped my head between his big hands and rubbed his nose over mine, causing my insides to melt.

“Hey, Bug,” he murmured.

I leaned into him as Tommy’s lips found mine, everyone around me completely forgotten. The feel of his tongue as it rubbed against mine, the way he angled my face just, and the soft beat of my heart as it thumped wildly against my chest was everything. Until everyone’s phone started buzzing with notification.

“It’s the picture,” Dean announced. He was sitting on Beau’s lap on the wooden bench on the porch. “Everyone’s commenting and liking it.” He grinned happily when Beau nuzzled his face into his neck.

I slipped my phone from my pocket. The comments and love that everyone was giving us had my heart in my throat. They were all so positive and heartwarming.

“My favorite band!”

“Congratulations on your wedding, Maverick!”

“Come tour in Canada. I need to see you.”

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