Page 88 of Stars Like Confetti

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I stared at Tommy as he slept. I took in the way his lids fluttered and the way his mouth was open slightly, his warm breath hitting my face. My gaze traveled over his scar, the way it pulled at his top lip, almost like he was smiling at me. I tried to resist the urge I had to touch him, afraid that he would wake up angry and upset, but I couldn’t help myself. I dragged my hand through his reddish-brown hair, feeling the silkiness against my skin. I relished how lucky he was to still be on this earth. That we were privileged to have a second chance together.

The sounds of my bandmates began to fill my ears as they and their significant others began to filter out of their rooms. Killian’s throaty laugh, Maverick’s soft giggle, and Dean’s booming voice all mashed together into something I loved. Something I would miss if I didn’t have them.

I was surprised Maverick was already here. He and Jax had stayed at a hotel last night for their first stint as a married couple. They were leaving for the honeymoon this afternoon, and we were supposed to have breakfast at the Olsons’ house with them this morning. I smiled at the thought. Maverick was married. My broody, anti-social, angry drummer was a changed man, and I was more than happy for him and Jackson. They deserved the world.

“Good morning, Bug.” Tommy’s voice was thick with sleep.

I purred at the sound of him. “Hey, Gretzky.”

Tommy slanted his mouth over mine as he pushed me onto my back. He climbed over my body and straddled my waist, his thick thighs pinning me between them. My semi quickly turned into a full-blown erection. Tommy kissed me like his life depended on it. Sloppy and urgent, he captured my whimpers as he dragged his hands over my head, through my hair, and down my shoulders, onto my chest. When he pulled away, his dark eyes blazed with fire. He opened his mouth to say something, but a loud crash followed by hysterical laughing cut him off.

Jesus Christ, what were they doing out there?

“Your bandmates are assholes.” Tommy groaned as he dropped his head into the crook of my neck. His shoulders shook as he laughed softly.

I gripped his shoulders. “Try living on a bus with them.”

“That bad, huh?”

“It wasn’t always bad. The moments when Killian smiled and Maverick wasn’t so hateful were okay. Dean and I tried our best to fill the gaps, but there were some nights I couldn’t do it. When I’d put on headphones to drown out the sound.”

“I’m sorry, Bug.”

I shook my head. “If I’m not allowed to say it anymore, neither are you.”

“I did say that, huh?” Tommy slipped off me and onto his back. Then he turned to his side to stare at me again. He laced our fingers together as he took a deep breath. “I need to tell you something. I asked for you the night of my accident. And a couple days after.”

I couldn’t stop the gasp that escaped my lips. “What? You did? Why is this the first time I’m hearing about this?”

“Jax tried, but he couldn’t get a hold of you. Mav had blocked him, I had removed your number from my phone, and well, he kept hitting a brick wall. It didn’t matter who we were. No one would take his calls.” Tommy flopped onto his back and covered his eyes with his arm.

Tears stung my eyes. “Gretzky, I—”

“I’m sorry.” He let out a loud sob before he twisted toward me to yank me against his body, wrapping his arms around me as tears soaked my skin.

The loud, angry sounds caused my heart to bleed with him. I wanted to take all his pain away, the suffering, everything that he had gone through while we were apart. But I couldn’t, so I did the only thing I could as he cried.

I held him.

Tommy’s fingers dug into my back as he slowly started to calm down. He let out a harsh laugh as he tried to untangle himself from my grip, but I only held him tighter. I pulled my face back enough so I could see him. His eyes were swollen and red, and streaks of wetness marked his cheeks. I brushed the hair from Tommy’s forehead before I kissed the right side of his mouth, then the left. I slid my lips over his scar, up to his eye, making sure to touch every inch of it.

“You’re so perfect. My perfect, handsome Tommy. You changed my life that day you kissed me. Showed me things I hadn’t even realized I was missing. We might have lost a couple of years together, but that’s in the past. We have our entire lives ahead of us. Our future is going to be beautiful,” I murmured.

Tommy’s eyes it up. “You really believe that?”

“Yes, baby, I do.” His lips curved into a smile. “We’re going to get married, have a house, the whole shebang.” The sound of his happy chuckle caused goosebumps to break out over my skin.

“Damn right we are.” Tommy pulled me closer and rested his chin on my head. “You think we should get dressed and go make sure your bandmates haven’t broken anything else?”

We should, but I didn’t want to move. “In a minute.”

“Mm, several minutes,” Tommy suggested. “Maybe enough minutes so that I can get us both off.”

I started to protest, but the moment his hand slipped between us, and he brushed it over my cock, all my resistance flew out the window. Instead, I groaned and let him ease me onto my back. Tommy’s dark eyes glittered with heat and lust as he licked his palm and wrapped it around both of us. I was never more thankful that we didn’t bother to get dressed last night. His breath was hot against my skin as he nipped and sucked at my tattoo. I canted my hips as I fucked up into his fist, and Tommy sank his teeth into my shoulder.

“Mark me,” I begged. “Please, Gretzky, claim me. So everyone will know who I belong to.”

Tommy growled. “You’ve always been mine.”

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