Page 86 of Stars Like Confetti

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Killian grunted at me. “Nothing.”

“Right,” I commented. “You’ve only gotten the lyrics to ‘Wild’ wrong how many times?” I jutted my chin at Maverick, who twirled his drumstick between his fingers. He pointed one at Killian.

“Five,” Maverick answered, then narrowed his eyes. “You’re not thinking about Linda, are you?”

Killian huffed. “What the hell ever gave you that idea? Dean, help me out.”

Dean leaned his guitar against his amp. “Uh, well...” He dragged a hand through his green hair.

“It’s not Keely, is it?” I grimaced as I made a circle with my thumb and forefinger with my right hand before I shoved the index finger through it. It was crude, but I was just trying to play my part. Keely had been clingy as hell, and we all thought she’d never get the hint Killian was done with her.

Mav made a gagging noise. “Gross, dude, sloppy seconds? What about bro code?” He thumped a quick beat out on his drums.

“Jesus Christ,” Killian growled. “It’s not Keely: you’re all welcome to her. Could we just drop it?” He suddenly looked like a caged animal.

“Knock, knock,” a cheerful voice called out just as the girls from our last show burst through the basement door. When the dark-haired one started toward Killian, he took two steps back. “What’s wrong, Kill? You look like you saw a ghost.”

He gritted his teeth. “What are you doing here?”

“I invited them.” Maverick looked pleased as he came around his drum kit. “Thought it would be a nice distraction now that we’re done with practice.”

Killian scowled. “Who said we were done?”

“You’re clearly off your game, bro. Maybe a little pussy will help you relax.” Who was I tonight? I tried not to shrink away from the redhead who was watching me. She was too small, too feminine, and not Tommy.

“I’m not doing this with you tonight.” Killian began to gather his things together. “Maybe another time.” He shoved his lyric notebook and music into his bag. “Why is everyone staring at me?” he exclaimed.

Dean squared his shoulders. “You’ve been acting kind of weird lately. We just thought maybe you could use a little fun to help you unwind. You hardly ever hang out with us anymore unless it’s practice or a gig.”

“I’m fine.” Killian huffed.

Maverick titled his head. “Are you, though?”

“Fuck you.” Killian growled deep in his chest.

Maverick smirked. “You’d like that, wouldn’t you, Hampton?”

Oh shit.

In the blink of an eye, Dean and I were pulling Killian off Maverick as the girls screamed behind us. Blood dripped from Maverick’s nose as he attempted to stand up. Was it broken? It looked bad.

“You’re crazy!” Mav exclaimed.

Killian tried to shove Dean and me away. “I want you out! You’re fucking done. You’re out of the band, do you understand?”

Dean yanked Killian back. “That’s not just up to you, Kill. We’re a team, remember? Just because you and Maverick have a disagreement doesn’t mean you can kick him out of the band.”

“Then I’m out.” Killian raised his chin defiantly.

Maverick flashed an evil grin as blood slipped down his lips. “Don’t let the door hit you on the way out, asshole.”

“No one is leaving the band!” I hollered. “What has gotten into the two of you tonight?”

“It’s either me or him,” Killian announced. “I have no damn problem walking out of here and finding another band.”

Dean let out a frustrated sigh. “Jesus Christ!” he muttered. “Girls, you should go. Maybe another time,” he said as they started to protest. Once they were gone, he moved to face Killian. “You are not to touch him, go near him, or look at him right now. Do you understand?”

“Whatever.” Killian folded his arms over his chest.

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