Page 74 of Stars Like Confetti

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I could see it, though. A big house, a couple of kids playing in the yard, and Blake welcoming me when I came through the door, his arms wide and open for me. A big smile on his handsome face. I tried to swallow the lump in my throat just as Blake leaned in to steal a kiss.

“We’re a forever kind of thing, right, Tom?” he murmured against my mouth.

I placed my palm against his cheek. “Yeah, Blake, we are.”


I put my finger over his lips before he could continue. “It was all me, Bug. No need to apologize for something you didn’t do.” I might always have this guilt to carry around. For going behind his back, tricking his mother into going to rehab so he would pursue his dreams. But my heart had been in the right place, and that was all that mattered.

“You shouldn’t be so hard on yourself. I was part of the problem, too. Or did you forget that? Instead of talking it out, we hurt one another instead. You meant well, and I know that now.” Blake gave me a soft smile.

I tilted his head up and swiped my thumb against his cheekbone. “I only wanted the best for you.”

“I know you did.” Blake pressed his mouth to mine. “But what I was going to say before you stopped me was that I love you.”

I wrapped my arms around him tightly, just as Killian dropped into the chair next to Blake. I raised my brows, only for him to wink at me. Cockblocker.

“What, what’s that look for?” He grinned.

I rolled my eyes. “You’re interrupting our moment.”

“He’s good at that.” Matthias slid into the singer’s lap. “He likes being the center of attention and gets cranky when he’s not. You should know that by now.”

Killian snorted. “You’re lucky you’re cute, babe.”

“I’m more than cute, and you know it,” Matthias teased.

“You’re not light, that’s for sure.” Killian barked out a laugh when Matthias swatted his shoulder. “Mm, I love it, though. Love all of you.”

Blake groaned. “Go be gross somewhere else.”

“Go screw.” Killian shot us double middle fingers. “Don’t be haters because we’re the perfect couple.”

Maverick chose that moment to walk over to us, with Dean by his side. “I thought it would be nice to get a couple pictures of the band together. You know, for memories or whatever now that we’re all friends again.” He ducked his head. “If you wouldn’t mind. If you don’t want to, that’s cool, too.”

“Brilliant idea.” Blake climbed to his feet and winked at me. “Take care of my man, Matty.”

Killian grunted. “He will do no such thing.” He crushed his mouth against Matthias’s before he shot me a look. “I have my eye on you, Olson.”

“He’s a little possessive,” Matthias muttered as we watched the members of Mulligan Downtown walk away.

I knocked his shoulder with mine. “You think?” When he didn’t answer, I twisted my frame around to look at him. “Everything okay?”

“Everything is perfect,” Matthias assured me as he played with the ring on his left hand. “He loves me, he wants me, and everyone knows. It’s all I ever wanted from Killian.” A smile tugged at his lips.

I sighed softly as I glanced over to where the photographer was snapping pictures. Killian had positioned himself so that he could see us, his gaze glued to Matthias. “He’s watching you.”

“I know he is. He always is.” Matthias’s ears burned pink. “And I don’t hate it.”

I let my eyes move to Blake, who was listening to something Dean said before he threw his head back, laughing. “I love him, you know.”

“I know you do,” Matthias assured me. “After that night I saw you two kissing, I saw it in everything you two did together. How much you cared for one another, the love you shared. You were meant to be together. It just took a little while to get there.”

My heart rattled against my chest. “I almost lost him. I spent years hating myself because of what happened, and I don’t think I could do it again. I’m great at screwing things up in a first-class way.”

“You won’t.” Matthias gave me a big smile when my brows shot up. “We won’t let you.”

I opened my mouth to ask him who we was, but Killian and Blake suddenly rushed across the room.

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