Page 70 of Stars Like Confetti

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“You didn’t tell me right away,” Dean reminded him.

“I was an idiot. I figured you would be better than me,” Killian muttered as he dragged a hand through his dark curls.

“I think I’m the biggest asshole out of the band,” Maverick called out from down the hall and then the soft sounds of running had him appearing next to his brother. “Not that it’s a contest, but if it was, I would win. Right?”

We all stared at our drummer. Normally in jeans and layers of clothing, the white shirt, pants, and the sparkle in his green eyes made him look stunning. Which is not something I had ever thought about Maverick before.

“Why are you looking at me like that?” he whispered. “Do I look that horrible? I thought this outfit would be perfect for dinner tonight. I’m wearing a tux tomorrow. Say something.” He glanced up at his brother. “I won’t be upset if you say you don’t like it.”

Dean spoke first. “You look beautiful.”

“Really? You’re not just saying that because you’re afraid I’ll get mad, are you?” Maverick’s eyes grew wide.

Killian nodded. “No, you look good.”

“Am I dead? Did I have a freak accident or something? I think Killian just told me I looked good.” Maverick giggled, and our singer groaned. “You all look good, too. I like the suits.”

I smiled. “Look at us. We’re getting ready to celebrate the first Mulligan wedding. If you had told me a year ago that this was going to happen, I would have laughed in your face.”

“Probably because you thought I would be the one getting married first,” Killian teased. “What? I would have dragged Matthias off to Vegas if he would let me. Doesn’t stop me from asking him to marry me as often as possible.”

Dean hooked an arm around his brother. “I never thought the four of us would get married, never mind fall in love. Oh, and we’re all into dick. That is probably the biggest surprise.”

“No one saw that coming.” I grinned. “Well, maybe Killian.”

“Is it pick on me day? What did I do to deserve this?” He mock-gasped as he brought his hand to his heart. “Babe! Where are you? I need someone to tell me how amazing I am.”

We all broke out into laughter. I had never been happier than I was right now. I had Tommy back, I was friends with all my bandmates again, and I never wanted this moment to end.


Maverick hadn’t stopped smiling since we’d arrived at the posh restaurant, nor had he left Jackson’s side. The two of them sat at the head of the table together, whispering things that no one else could hear and exchanging kisses without a care in the world. I wanted that. The thought shocked me. Not that I didn’t want to marry Tommy, because I did; I just wanted that eternal happiness with the man I loved.

Speaking of, he looked good enough to eat. Dressed in the perfectly fitted maroon suit, his auburn hair styled perfectly, and just a little bit of a five o’clock shadow on his face, my man looked better than anyone else tonight. As he leaned in to listen to something Helena said, I reached over and laced our fingers together. He squeezed my hand tightly, then turned to look at me.

“Everything good, Bug?”

“Everything is perfect.”

Tommy smiled, his dark eyes shining with happiness. “You want this? I mean, the whole big wedding thing?”

I nodded.

“Good, because I want to give it to you.”

“What if I want to give it to you?” I murmured.

The lust that raced through my veins had me wanting to drag Tommy from the restaurant back to my house. I wanted to have my way with him so I could show him exactly what I meant.

His eyes went wide, then darkened. “You’re being naughty tonight.”

“Mm, but you like it.” I grinned. I tugged on his hand so I could kiss his knuckles. “You said we could.”

Tommy’s tongue came out to swipe at his bottom lip. “And we will.”

A soft tap against a glass stole our attention away from one another. Jackson was standing next to a blushing Maverick, his small frame pressed against his fiancé’s side. His smile was so big, and bright that he looked like he would burst at the seams at any moment.

“We wanted to thank all of you, our friends and family, for coming tonight. For coming to Canfield to celebrate our big day tomorrow.” Jackson looked around the table. “We wouldn’t be here in this moment if it weren’t for all of you. For being there for me, for caring about Mavs and helping him figure himself out. I appreciate all you have done for us. I’ve been in love with Maverick for a very long time, and I want to make him happier than he’s ever been.”

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