Page 64 of Stars Like Confetti

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I pressed a kiss to his lips. “Tell her you love her, Bug. Tell her you’re here and that she’s going to pull through this. That you’ll be here when she wakes up.”

“Right.” He nodded as he turned to go inside the room.

Mrs. Duncan was lying in the bed looking so small and frail. Like she was on the couch at his home, but much worse. Her color reminded me of a yet-to-heal bruise. Yellow and jaundiced. Her hair was spread out on the pillow as the machines beeped out a rhythm that only they knew.

I wanted to give Blake privacy. I knew he was already struggling with this. He had hidden her problems long enough, but he needed me with him at the same time. He was brave, but maybe he shouldn’t have tried to weather this alone for so long. I stood in the doorway so Blake could have his time with his mother but still have my support.

“I told you, Mom.” His voice was a hushed whisper. “I warned you that something bad was going to happen if you didn’t stop drinking.” My heart broke for him. “I can’t just leave you here if you don’t get better. How am I supposed to go to California with the band if you’re not going to be around to see me become successful? It’s because of you that I’m half the man I am. You taught me how to enjoy music. To read it, write it, and play it. Grandma and Grandpa wouldn’t let you chase your dreams, but you promised me I could chase mine. I can’t follow those dreams if you’re not here to cheer me on to come to the first arena show.” Blake reached for his mother’s hand before he glanced over his shoulder at me for a moment. “I’m going to marry Tommy. We’re going to buy you a big house, give you lots of grand-kids. But you have to be here to see that, too. I want you at my concert. At Tommy’s games. I want you to see my kids grow up and become musical prodigies, hockey players, hell, whatever they want. Please, Mom. I love you so much.” He bowed his head. “I wrote you a song. I want you to hear it.”

I should give him some privacy. Blake wouldn’t want me to hear this. I started to back out of the room before I could hear lyrics that would pierce my heart. I found my parents still sitting in the same seats.

“Are you really Blake’s guardians?”

“Yes,” Dad answered. “After Monica and Blake first moved here, when the two of you grew so close, she came to us. Explained everything. Her drinking, how she tried to stop but couldn’t. We spoke at length with her and Carl, Blake’s father, about what might happen in a situation like this. They both thought it best if he stayed with us to be close to you.”

“I love him,” I blurted before I could stop myself.

Mom gave me a small smile. “We know, honey.”

“He’s... I don’t know how to help him right now. I want to be there, but I’ve never been in a situation like this,” I confessed. “What do I do?”

Mom sighed softly. “Be there for Blake. Tell him he can talk to you if he wants, or if he doesn’t want that, just sit with him. Sometimes that’s the best thing. You can just do nothing together. Make sure he knows you’ve got his back. Hold his hand, tell him you love him, that you care about him. All the things you’re already doing.”

“Tommy?” I looked up to find Blake watching me. “Why... why did you leave?”

I felt like such an asshole. “I thought maybe you wanted some alone time with your mom.” Also, it was weird and awkward. I didn’t know what to say to you or how to help you. I’m not good in situations like this.

“I needed you. I turned around, but you were gone. I was alone.”

“I’m sorry.”

Blake took a step closer as he held out both of his hands. “Please.” Only when I went to take them, he hugged me as he started to cry again. “What am I going to do if she doesn’t get better? How am I supposed to live my life if she can’t live hers?”

I wrapped my arms around Blake. “I don’t know, Bug, but we’ll figure it out.” I stroked his soft hair. “Together.”

“Do you promise?”

“With all my heart. I promise.”

He buried his face in my shoulder as I looked over at my mother.

“You’re doing perfect,” she mouthed.

I held Blake as tightly as possible.

“Hey, Bug, let’s sit down,” I suggested and moved us into two chairs. Blake practically climbed into my lap to stay close to me. “You can stay with me tonight,” I whispered against his ear. He glanced up at me. “You want that?” He nodded. “I’ll stay home from school tomorrow.” My father made a grunting noise, but I ignored it. “I don’t want you to be alone.”

Blake sniffed. “Thank you.” He nuzzled my neck before he remembered my parents were there.

“I told them.” I brushed a few stray blond hairs from his face. “That I love you.”

He blinked at me. “You did?”

“Yeah, I did. I’m sorry. I just—”

Blake gripped the sides of my neck and kissed me. “I hope they know how much I love you, too.”

Chapter Twenty-Four

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