Page 59 of Stars Like Confetti

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I wondered how long it would take before Killian came storming back into his sister’s house for his fiancé. He seemed pretty attached to Matthias. Consumed, even. When the band had said they were going out to breakfast, just the four of them, Killian had pulled Matty aside and spoke softly into his ear for what felt like ten minutes before he kissed him and murmured that he loved him. It was kind of sickening. But also, kind of sweet.

“You two are cute.” I nudged Matty’s thigh with mine as we sat around Helena’s kitchen table.

Matthias dropped his chin. “I already know how you feel about him.”

“Do you? Because when he came out, posted that picture of the two of you on his Insta? That was a big damn deal, Matty.”

His ears turned pink.

Jackson chuckled softly. “I was so fucking happy for the both of you.”

“I told him to take it down. I was afraid he was going to regret it,” Matthias admitted as he blushed even more. “It took me a while to trust him, to believe that Killian actually loved me.”

Helena huffed. “He’s been in love with you for years, Matty.” She placed a basket of bagels on the table, along with a couple of containers of cream cheese. “Oh, you thought I was going to make a big breakfast for you? I’m beat. I worked a twelve-hour shift before Dean showed up at the house this morning. He’s a mess. You had better tell Beau to get his shit together, or I’ll knock his teeth out.” She reached for her coffee. “What?”

The three of us were staring at her.

“I guess maybe it’s strange that you’re still friends with Dean after everything,” I answered.

She shrugged. “I care about him. And he’s hurting. I want him to be just as happy as I am. I know you all think it’s weird that he and Ryan get along, but they do. They’ve met before. Dean and I are still very close.”

Matthias squeezed her shoulder. “It’s nice to see that the two of you are still close. I couldn’t do that if it was me. There is no way I would be besties with Killian if we broke up.”

“Because you and my bonehead brother are soulmates,” Helena teased. “Dean and I had fun when we were younger, but we were never going to end up getting married. We’re too different. He thought he loved me, but he realizes now that’s not what it was.”

I reached for a bagel. “Dean’s into dudes. That I did not see coming.”

“Dean is into one dude,” Helena corrected me. “He said he never looked at men until Beau. He had no idea Beau was even flirting with him or coming onto him until Jackson pointed it out.”

Matthias snorted. “How very Killian of him.”

“He was pretty clueless.” Jackson grinned as he smeared an obscene amount of cream cheese on his bagel.

I remembered the first time I kissed Blake. How he told me he was into me and only me. “Blake’s gay for me.”

“Duh.” Matthias grinned when I met her eyes. “What? I toured with the band, Tom. He never touched anyone else while they were on the road. He never drank or partied. He’s a—”

I cut him off before he could finish the sentence. “He hates that nickname. Don’t call him that.”

Blake didn’t like to drink because of his mother. He would occasionally have a sip or two of beer at a party when we were younger, but he never got drunk. Not once. Kids at school sometimes gave him a hard time, but they didn’t need to know the reason. It was no one’s business.

“What do you think is going to happen now that the two of you are back together?” Jackson asked. “Do you see yourself moving to California, or do you think he’s going to move back here? You can come to Boston if you want. Mav and I would love to have you. There might be an opening in our apartment building.”

We had only briefly talked about it, but the thought made my stomach turn. I wasn’t sure I would ever be able to leave Canfield. As it was, I hated even going out in public.

“Uh, he mentioned coming back here.”

“Really?” Helena sounded excited. “That would be fun. We could all hang out.”

I chewed on my lip. “Maybe. I mean, he’ll have to tour and stuff.”

“But think of how much fun we’d have if you came with him. Sometimes they have to do photo shoots, and it gets so boring. Although Killian brings me back some cool shit.” Matthias smiled. “I have so many name brand shoes now.”

I knew that would never happen. I couldn’t go on tour with them. The thought made me nearly have a panic attack.

“Maybe,” I answered softly.

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