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Maverick smiled. “I have my ways, too, you know.”

“It was you then.” Killian unwrapped his silverware and scowled at it like it had done him wrong.

Maverick winked. “When I was still trying to figure my shit out, Sam helped me by getting in touch with Beau so Jax could come get me. This time, I returned the favor by reaching out to her. I just want my brother to be happy. If that means getting him the closure he needs, then so be it. But...” He glanced behind him to see Dean and Beau talking outside the restaurant. “Something tells me it might be more than closure.”

We all watched as Beau shook his head at something Dean said, and when his hand came up to cup his cheek, Dean immediately took a step back before he lunged forward to wrap his arms around the hockey player’s waist. Beau hugged him back, and I couldn’t help but smile. Dean deserved happiness.

What we all had now.

Chapter Twenty-One


Five Years Ago

Blake’s mother was throwing a party. She had no job, she had no money, and yet, when I pulled his car into my driveway, it was more than obvious what was going on at his house. The music, the laughter, and the people on the front porch. This was mortifying for me to witness, and I could only imagine how Blake felt.

“You want to stay here tonight, Bug?” I squeezed Blake’s thigh. “You know it’s fine. My parents don’t mind.”

He shook my head. “I have to clear all these people out of the house before the cops show up. I’m surprised no one has called them already.” The music was so loud we could hear inside the vehicle.

When Blake started to open the door, I tightened my grip on his leg. “Let me help you.”

“Tommy, it’s fine. I’m used to this.”

I followed Blake out of the car and pinned him against the trunk before he could go across the street to the house. “It’s not fine, Bug. None of this is fucking fine, and I’m your boyfriend. I want to help you. Let me, please.”

His green eyes were full of worry and fear. I knew that he didn’t want to let me into this part of his life. He had done a really good job of hiding it for the past few years, but it was starting to crash down around him.

“Okay.” He pressed his face into my neck like he was breathing me in before he pulled back and squared his shoulders. “I’m ready.”

I nodded. “Come on.”

I grabbed his hand, and we walked across the street. I yanked open the front door to find the living room in complete disarray. Bottles and cups were everywhere. The room was full of strangers, some dancing, others drinking, and when I felt Blake squeeze my hand, I zeroed in on the stereo.

The moment I turned it off, I felt all eyes on me. “Everyone, get the fuck out.” When no one moved, I gritted my teeth. “Right now!”

If I weren’t such a big guy, there might have been more of a fight. There might have been a few punches thrown, which I could have blocked. There was a lot of grumbling, and some people gave Blake and me dirty looks, but they started to clear out of the house. My boyfriend leaned into me, and I felt nothing but rage at his mother for doing this to him. He had been dealing with this for years all by himself and she had just let him. He had been a child; Monica was his mother, and he hadn’t been able to be a kid because he was so worried about her. It wasn’t fair.

“I’m going to go find my mom,” Blake whispered once the house had cleared out, leaving a giant mess behind.

I tugged him closer. “Let me come with you.” I dropped his hand so that I could cradle his head with both of mine.

“I’ll be fine, Gretzky. I’ve done this before. She’s most likely passed out in her room. I need to make sure she’s on her side. I’ll leave some water and aspirin by her bed for the morning.”

I nodded. “Okay, but if you need me, just holler.” I pressed my mouth against Blake’s before I released him and watched as he headed upstairs.

I cleaned up the living room while Blake was upstairs. I got rid of all the empty bottles and cans, along with the cups. Then I emptied out the bottles of booze that had been left behind as my mind wandered. What would Blake do if she continued on this path? Would he really leave her behind to pursue his dreams, or would he stay here and try to help her? The thought made rage rip through my body. It was so unfair of his mother to put her child through something like this. Blake had so much talent it would be a waste if he didn’t try to make something of himself with Mulligan.

Mrs. Duncan’s addiction wasn’t a secret in Canfield, although Blake never spoke a word about it to me. When he’d moved here four years ago, he’d said it was because his parents divorced. Not that it was because his father had had enough of his mother’s alcoholism. Or that she couldn’t keep a job longer than a couple of months. Or that she couldn’t remember to pay the bills, keep the house clean, buy groceries, do the laundry, or do any of the things that a parent was supposed to do for their kid. I understood why Blake hadn’t gone with his father for fear something would happen to his mom, but she should be taking care of him.

“She’s out of it.” I turned at the sound of Blake’s voice and took in the redness in his eyes. “Tommy,” he whispered.

I opened my arms, and he wrapped himself around me. I held him tightly against me as he cried.

“I know,” I murmured, rubbing his back. “I’m sorry, Bug. I love you. You shouldn’t have to do this alone, and you won’t. Not anymore.”

“I love you too,” Blake whispered. “Will you stay the night here with me?”

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