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I leaned down so that my lips were next to Blake’s ear. “I love you, Bug,” I murmured, and when he turned and pressed his mouth to mine, everything else faded.

Chapter Fifteen


Five Years Ago

I woke up with a cum hangover and Tommy’s large body draped over me. He had his face pressed into my neck as he slept, his arm wrapped around my waist. I smiled as I took in the moment. We could do this, Tommy and me. He could get drafted, go off to play hockey, and I could go tour the world with Mulligan. We would meet up when time permitted, have hot, hurried sex in my tour bus or his hotel room, and send dick pics to one another. Texts about how much we missed being together, countdowns to when we’d be able to kiss again, get off together, or simple ‘I love you’ messages. Yeah, I could do that. I wanted that.

“What’s got you smiling like that already, Bug?” Tommy’s sleepy voice had my green eyes meeting his dark ones.

“You want to marry me, Gretzky?” I asked.

His eyes widened, and a smile spread over his face. “Is that a proposal?” he teased before he moved his heavy body to press me into the mattress. “You should work on the delivery.”

I chuckled. “No, I was just asking a general question.” I closed my eyes as Tommy pressed wet kisses against my neck and throat.

“What brought that on? What were you thinking about before I woke up?”

“Our future. Touring, meeting up, and what it would be like.”

Tommy hummed softly. “Is that so?” He dragged his tongue over my skin. “Yes.”

“Yes?” Warmth blossomed throughout my body.

He chuckled, then slid his lips over mine. “Yes, Bug, I’d like to marry you. Settle down somewhere and have a life with you. Maybe a couple of kids. Have a big yard so they can play outside.”

“Kids?” I met his gaze, and he nodded. “You want kids with me?” I hadn’t thought about a family, but that would be nice. We would be good fathers.

Tommy dropped onto his side, eyes tracing my face. “I hope I get drafted, you know, like Jax.” He had never spoken much about where he wanted to end up, only that he wanted to go pro. “What if I’m not good enough?”

“Stop. You’re amazing.”

“I’m not as good as Jax.”

I tilted my head. “What’s bringing this on? You’re a great goalie, Tommy. I’ve seen you in the crease, blocking the shots.”

“I’m not Jax,” he muttered. “Never mind, pretend I never said anything.”

I dragged the back of my hand over his cheek. “Where do you want to end up? Somewhere warm? Because that’s where we’ll live. Maybe Florida or Vegas? Oh, Vegas would be different. So much desert, though. Sand in my ass all the time.”

“In your ass?” Tommy smirked. “You know we won’t be living in the sand. They will be a house, four walls, a roof over our head.” He leaned forward to kiss me. “I thought Arizona might be nice.”

I nodded. “Scorpions and spiders, though.”

“Again, the whole four walls thing,” he reminded me, then gripped my shoulders and tugged me closer. “Promise me something, Bug.”

“Anything, Tommy, you know that.”

“If I don’t get drafted, promise you’ll never give up on me.”

I started to remind him that he would but decided to let it go for now. “I promise,” I whispered and leaned my forehead against his.

My stomach let out a soft growl, and I grinned at him.

“Hungry?” Tommy ran his thumb over my cheek. “I can whip us up some eggs and bacon.”

I nodded. “Toast?”

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