Page 104 of Stars Like Confetti

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“I know.” His lips were on mine again, his tongue inside my mouth. He pushed me back against the tile, his hands roaming all over my wet skin. “You’re going to be a household name, Blake Duncan.”

I whimpered as he kissed down my chin and jaw, dragging his tongue over my Adam’s apple. He found that spot on my collarbone that drove me wild and began to suck the tender skin. He pushed his thigh between mine, and I immediately started to grind against him. Low whimpers and soft gasps filled the bathroom as I chased my orgasm. Tommy’s fingers dug into my waist as he pinned me against him, dropping kisses over every inch of skin he could reach.

“Oh, Tommy! Oh—”

Heat streaked over my skin as I saw stars. My entire body trembled as I came, my knees nearly giving out from the force. Tommy kept me from falling, his strong arms holding me in place. He kissed me gently, dropped a hand to my cock, and spread the cum over my length. When he lifted his hand, I watched with hooded eyes as he licked it clean.

“There’s not an inch of you I don’t love. That I don’t want to taste, eat, or lick. Everything about you does it for me.” Tommy grinned.

That all but sealed the deal. I wasn’t going to leave Canfield behind. I couldn’t risk someone else sinking their claws into my Tommy. I would give up the world to keep him.


“I’m sorry, but what?” I stared at my mother like she had grown another head.

She had dropped a bombshell on me when I’d walked into the hospital room, prepared to take her home. Instead, she told me she wasn’t going back to the house. She was going to Florida.

Mom smiled. “I’m going to rehab.”

I had heard her correctly the first time, only the words didn’t want to register. Mom had never wanted this before. She’d begged, cried, and made broken promises whenever Dad had suggested it. Only to do the required time, come home, and start the drinking cycle all over again.

“Since when?” My stomach twisted.

“Sweetie.” Mom patted the mattress next to her. “It’s going to be best for both of us. I need time to recover from the stroke, and you’re going to California. You’re destined for bigger things than taking care of me.”

I shook my head. “No, I’m not. I’m going to stay here with you and Tommy.” Until he was drafted, but I would figure that part out later. Follow along behind him like a lost puppy.

“Blake.” She reached for my hand when I finally sat down. It was more because I was afraid my legs were going to buckle. “Honey, you can’t stay here. Don’t give up your dreams for me.” She pushed a piece of hair behind my ear.

My throat felt too tight. Bile filled my mouth, and I forced it back down. If I didn’t have my mother as an excuse, I would have to leave. Tommy would never let me stay for him. He’d drag me to California himself if he had to.

“I want to take care of you.”

“You’re young, in love, and have your entire future in front of you. You don’t need to take care of me anymore. Tom made sure of that.” The moment the words slipped from her mouth; her face flushed.

I jumped to my feet. “He made sure of what, Mom?” But she turned her head to pick at a thread on her pants. “Mom, what did Tommy do?”

“He found this rehab for me. He convinced me that it was the best thing. I don’t want to drag you down anymore, Blake. You need to spread your wings and fly,” Mom murmured. Her neck and ears burned red.

I fisted my hands at my side. “I bet he did.”


“No, Mom, I think I have to go have a word with my boyfriend. Remind him of what I want and what needs to happen.”

It would be something I would regret for the rest of my life.

Chapter Forty-Two


I glanced over at Tommy as he lay on the chaise lounge, his eyes closed, and his face tipped up toward the warm sun. He looked content, peaceful, and it made my entire body hum with satisfaction. When I first arrived back in Canfield, he wasn’t the boy I once knew. He was angry at the world, but now he seemed different. Happier. I couldn’t help but hope it was because of me, us. My gaze drifted over Tommy’s handsome face, the scar that had changed everything, but to me, it only made him more attractive. Still my Gretzky.

His shoulders were broad and thick, his arms tight with muscle. I smiled at the jelly tattoo before I dragged my fingers over my matching peanut butter one. I had thought about removing it or even covering it up, but I never could. My body lit up at the matting of dark red hair across Tommy’s chest, the concave of his belly, and the trail that disappeared inside his swim trunks. Wide thighs built from years of playing hockey called for me to climb onto his lap. Claim it as my forever space.

“You’re staring.” Tommy’s lips curved up into a smile. “You got something on your mind, baby?”

It did something to me when he called me baby. “You’re hot.”

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