Page 10 of Stars Like Confetti

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I was emotionally drained after the visit with Jamie. Opening up to him about the Blake Box hadn’t been on my schedule for this morning, but it had happened. There was so much in there I had forgotten about, but that picture made me sad and happy at that same time. I pulled my car into the driveway, climbed from the vehicle, and came face to face with Killian.

“Hey.” He grinned at me, those dimples slipping out. “We were wondering if you weren’t busy—”

I started to walk around him. “Pass.” I didn’t need this now. I wanted to be alone.

“You didn’t even hear what I had to say.” Killian jogged up behind me. “Man, you’re just no fun.” He tugged on my shirt, and I bared my teeth at him. “Okay, got it.” He held up his hands.

I spun back around. “Why are you here right now? You weren’t my friend, Killian. You used me for the pool. Blake was my friend. Helena was my friend, so was Matty, but you? Nah, you didn’t like me.”

“That’s not true,” he said, but his eyes gave him away. “Look, I was a dick back then.”


My brows shot up. “When’s my birthday?” When he didn’t answer, I turned to head inside the house. “Thanks for the invite, but I’m good. No one wants the freak to hang out with them, anyway. Find someone else to pity.” I slammed the door behind me.

“Making friends?” Jackson was sitting on the couch with Maverick tucked against him.

Didn’t they have wedding stuff to do? I didn’t want to see them all loved up and happy right now. My brother glanced up at me as I stood there trying to figure out how to approach this.

“Don’t take out your frustrations on Killian. He had a lot of issues back then. He was trying to figure out his sexuality while he was infatuated with Matty. He was confused.”

I dropped my head. “How is that my problem?”

“Because maybe he’s trying to make up for that now? Killian’s a good guy. You just have to get to know him,” Jackson answered.

Maverick turned his intense eyes on me. “Killian didn’t have parents to help him with what he was going through. His grandmother did the best she could have, but he could have used a father figure in his life. I get that.”

Oh man, why was he doing this to me? “Are you two trying to guilt me into being his friend? Is that what this is? I don’t need any more friends.” I took off my shoes. Wait, I didn’t even have any friends now that I thought about.

“Just trying to get you to understand why he was the way he was.” Jackson smiled at me. “How was therapy?”

I shook my head. “Peachy.” I started toward the kitchen. “Wait, do you think I should actually hang out with them? I mean, Killian and Matthias? I think he was trying to invite me to something.”

“That something is dinner at Helena’s. To meet her new fiancé.” Maverick stood up. “We’re all going, so if you need a ride, let me know.”

That meant Blake was going to be there. “Nope, still going to pass on that.”

“You’re going.” Jackson stood up to his full height, like he was intimidating or something. He had two extra inches on me. That was it.

“I said no, I meant no. End of story.” But when I moved into the kitchen, I knew he was right behind me. “Fuck off, Jax.”

My brother spun me around. “I will hog tie you and carry you to the car myself. You’re getting out of this house, spending time with your friends, and you’re going to like it.”

“I’d like to see you trrrrrry!” The word echoed out in a long r as Jackson did exactly what he threatened he would do. He grabbed my wrists with one hand and yanked me over his shoulder.

“Mav, sweetheart, did we bring the handcuffs?”

Handcuffs? What handcuffs?

“Put me down!” I kicked out, and Jax grabbed my legs.

“I think they’re in the suitcase. What is happening right now?” Maverick asked as Jackson carried me into the living room. “Should I grab his shoes?”

I glared at my soon-to-be brother-in-law. “Don’t you dare put your dirty sex handcuffs on me!” I warned. “You’re in trouble,” I hissed.

Maverick smirked at me and followed Jackson out the front door.

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