Page 80 of Amnesia

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Chapter Twenty-Nine


I got home from the shop around two on a Wednesday. I was starting to think I was overstaying my welcome at Killian and Matthias’s house, which meant I was either going to have to go back to the apartment or take Mason up on his offer to stay with him after this weekend’s race. It might be nice to spend some time with his wife, London, but the thought of being around another loved up and happy couple just made me even more depressed.

It had been two weeks, and even though they said I could stay as long as I wanted, I didn’t want to make things weird. It wasn’t that either Kill or Matthias had said anything, but I didn’t want to be a bother. I liked them. They made me feel included. We went out to a couple of movies and played some board games—shit I hadn’t done in years—but they were a couple. I was the third wheel. I didn’t want to get in their way. Plus, I wasn’t kidding about them going at like rabbits. It was all the time with the two of them.

Mason beeped his horn as he drove off, and as I walked up the walkway, I noticed Killian sitting on the porch, his head buried in his phone. He grinned at me when our eyes met.

“How was your day, dear?” he teased.

“Long.” I dropped into one of the chairs next to him. “Where’s your other half?”

Killian grunted. “With Brooklyn.”

“You really don’t like her, do you?” I asked.

He twisted his frame to look at me. “I’m trying to be a better person, Holt, I am.” He steepled his fingers and brought them up to his chin. “There’s a lot you don’t know about Matthias and me. I did some shitty things to him when we were younger, even after we got back together, and I will spend the rest of my life proving to him how much I love him. He probably shouldn’t have forgiven me, but he did. Right before I got clean, I embarrassed the hell out of Matthias, and I don’t think Brooklyn has gotten over that.” He ducked his head. “I really can’t blame her. I was an asshole. Still am, but I was a bigger one.”

“Matthias is crazy about you. It’s so obvious when he’s near you or talks about you,” I pointed out.

Killian shrugged. “I’m pretty crazy about him, too.” I thought he might be blushing, but he kept his gaze away from mine longer than he needed. “You hear from Watts at all?”

“We’ve texted here and there.”

“That’s progress.” When I didn’t answer, Killian looked back up at me. “Or not.” He nudged my arm. “What aren’t you saying, man?”

“I feel like half of me is missing right now.”

Killian nodded. “Can’t you go over there? Drop by and say ‘Surprise! It’s me, and by the way, I came by to give you a much-needed blowjob.’” He waved his hands in the air, causing me to chuckle. “There, that’s what I wanted. At least I made you smile.”

“You know, being this nice isn’t going to help your bad boy reputation.”

Killian rolled his eyes. “It’s overrated, anyway. If I was the asshole everyone thought I was, you wouldn’t be here having this bonding experience, and I wouldn’t be all loved up with the most amazing man on the planet.”

We both turned as a car pulled up. “Who the hell...” Killian stood up as a thin, light-haired male climbed out of the back. “No, no, hell fucking no.” He started down the steps. “Maverick, no. I don’t have time for your shit. You don’t even live anywhere near here. Get back in the car and...” His voice trailed off so I couldn’t hear him anymore, but the way his hands were flying around, I could see he was upset.

So that was Maverick Frost, the drummer for Mulligan Downtown. He looked harmless enough. He was about my height, but with more muscle. Although from what Matthias had told me, he was the reason that he and Killian had broken up in the first place a few years ago.

“I don’t fucking care! You could have texted me about your problems with Jackson instead of just showing up at my house unannounced!” Killian’s voice boomed loudly before he glanced at me over his shoulder.

Maverick must have realized they had an audience, because he placed a hand on Killian’s shoulder, which he quickly shrugged off. Yikes.

I moved into the house to give them some privacy, pulling my phone from my pocket to find a text from Watson. A smile pulled at my lips.

Watson: How was the shop today?

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