Page 61 of Amnesia

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I expected Watson to refuse when I asked him if I could go home with him. Because I figured his boyfriend was waiting for him. Boyfriend. The thought made me want to punch the guy in the face, and I hadn’t even met him yet. He didn’t deserve Holt. No one would ever be good enough for him. Not even me.

“Why are you growling like that?” Holt asked as the Uber driver started to slow down in front of an apartment building.

Was I? “Uh, sorry.” I chuckled to myself. “Must have fallen asleep. Snoring. Yeah, I was snoring, not growling.”

“Sounded like growling.” Holt tried to pry his hand away from mine, but I held on tight. “I need to get out of the car, Watson. Can’t do that with you acting like a stage five clinger.”

Right. I released him and let him climb out before I followed behind him. The apartment building was nice, something I probably would have picked out for myself. With a pool outside and a gym that might not be exactly what I would use for everyday use, but it would work if I couldn’t make it to my usual place.

Inside the elevator, Holt tried to keep his distance, watching me like I was going to attack him at any minute. Or maul him like a bear. My dick twitched in my pants as I thought about pressing him against the wall, running my hands through his dark hair, and shoving my tongue into his warm, soft mouth.

“You’re doing it again,” Holt interrupted my spicy thoughts.

I shrugged. “Sorry, H, you bring out the animal in me,” I admitted.

“I bring out...” He stared at me with wide hazel eyes filled with desire.

“Is your boyfriend going to get jealous? About me being here alone with you?”

Holt swallowed, and the way his throat moved, his Adam’s apple bobbing against his skin... Yeah, it took all I had not to drag my tongue over it. “No, I don’t have... Watson, stop it.” He let out a shaky breath just as the elevator came to a stop and the doors opened. He lifted his chin. “You first.”

“Oh, no. You first, baby,” I insisted, but the moment the endearment slipped from my mouth, it made my entire body break out in goosebumps, and the air felt like it was sucked from the small compartment. “You know, maybe I will go first.” I wasn’t sure which apartment was his, but all of a sudden, I felt like I needed to put some distance between us.

Holt slowly followed behind me. “It’s this one.” He had stopped at the first door from the elevator, unlocked it, and went inside, leaving me to have my own mini panic attack.

Okay, Watts. You can do this. You’ve been having wet dreams about your stepbrother since you smacked your noggin around at Daytona. You want into his pants? Get into them, let him suck your dick and then—

“Watson?” Holt’s head popped back out of the doorway. “You coming inside, or are you going to stand out here muttering to yourself? Hey, are you all right? You look a little pale.” He stepped back into the hall.

“I might need to sit down.”

I felt a little dizzy, and maybe like I might be sick to my stomach. The second I stepped into Holt’s apartment, his scent overpowered me. Sweet, like home, and yep, I was going to throw up. The feeling hit me hard, and before I had a chance to warn him, all the vodka I had had tonight came right back up, down my chin, and all over my shirt, jeans, and onto the carpet. Tears stung my eyes.

“H, I’m sorry.” I met his hazel orbs.

He shook his head. “No, no, it’s all right.” He assured me as he grabbed a handful of paper towels from the counter in the kitchen before pressing them to my chest. “It will wash out. It’s not a big deal.” He swiped at my chin. How was he so calm about this?

“I haven’t... It’s been so long that I did that.” I watched Holt’s face. “Or has it?”

He chewed on his lip. “Uh, no, you actually had an episode a couple of weeks ago, before your crash.” He wiped off my face before he started on my shirt. “Yeah, this is going to have to come off. You can shower if you want, and I’ll find something for you to wear.”

“Shower with me.” The words were out of my mouth before I could stop them. The way Holt’s eyes flashed with heat told me he wanted that, too. “Don’t say no,” I whispered. “Just think about it. Show me where your bathroom is.”

Holt didn’t say anything as he led me farther into the apartment, down the hall, past what I assumed was his bedroom, and then stopped outside the bathroom. “Uh, just leave your clothes in the sink. I’ll wash them for you.”

I flipped on the light and shut the door behind me. I stared at myself in the mirror, noticing how much of a damn mess I was right now. My blond hair stuck up at all angles, and there was puke on my face, shirt, and jeans. Jesus, no wonder why he didn’t want to shower with me. Forget mess; I was a train wreck. I stripped out of my clothes, folded them up, and placed them on the sink like Holt had told me before I opened the door to the shower. I used the toothpaste on the counter to brush my teeth by using my finger, then I turned on the water to step inside the tub.

Under the hot water, I felt my muscles loosen. The stress and anxiety from earlier began to slip away, and I tried to relax. Only, the scent of Holt was everywhere, which caused my stupid dick to chub up. What was it about my stepbrother that was driving me crazy like this all of a sudden? I must have knocked something loose during that crash because it had never been like this before.

“Uh, it’s me.” Holt’s voice made my already hard dick twitch. “I was going to grab your clothes. I left some clean underwear here for you. I’ll try to find some sweats that might fit, but most of my stuff is going to be too small for you.”

I tried not to be disappointed that he wasn’t going to shower with me. “Thanks.”

“Water okay?”

“It’s fine.”

When Holt didn’t say anything else, I figured he had left, but then I saw the outline of his body standing outside the door. “You still want me to join you?”

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