Page 40 of Amnesia

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After our meeting with NASCAR, where we were both put on probation until the end of the year pending no more altercations and told we should expect a hefty fine for on-track fighting, Shepard suggested we go out for a couple of drinks. His nose wasn’t broken, but it was banged up pretty good, and he was going to end up with two black eyes tomorrow morning. My head was fine, but Rand had managed to knock one of my back teeth loose. I was going to have to see a dentist about that.

I’d texted Holt to let him know, and now I was watching Shepard slam back shots like they were water. I had to hand it to him. The man could drink.

Shepard placed his shot glass down on the table and grinned at me. “You’re a lightweight.” He slurred. “Mason would brag about all the times you two would go out to drink, grab a couple of girls, and then bring them back to his place, but man, I think I’ve drunk double what you have.” He sat back before letting out a loud belch.

As long as he didn’t throw up on me, we were good. “I think you might be wasted.” I raised my beer glass at him.

“That I am, dude, but isn’t that the point?” He leaned forward. “Can I ask you a question?”

“Sure.” I knew it was going to be about Holt, but if we were bonding, which I thought we were, I figured he could ask. I just might not answer.

Shepard twisted his lips. “Is the sex good?” He placed his inked arms on the table. “I mean, with a guy? I know sex is good because I have a wife, but I mean, you know?”

“Have you never had anal sex before?”

“Not in my own ass.”

I snorted. “It’s fucking fantastic, man. You should try it sometime.” Panic ran across his face. “I’m not offering, relax. You are so not my type. I don’t like...” I waved my hand in his direction. “Tattoos or whatever else that you’ve got going on.” Was he terrified that I was going to hit on him? Was that what this was?

“We’re basically the same person. I’m kind of hurt.” Shepard pouted. “You love him?” He suddenly looked serious. “I knew the moment I first saw Brooklyn that I wanted to spend forever with her. She hated me, though. God, did she fucking hate me...” A dreamy look came over his face at the memory.

I chuckled. “You were your usual charming self, right? Cocky, shameless, I’m the best?” When he pretended to be shocked, I threw my head back and laughed.

“Yeah, well, she tried like hell to act like she didn’t want me, too, but here we are. We wasted some time getting ourselves together. I’d be fucking lost without her.” He beamed happily. “She’s fierce, but I need that in my life. I need her.”

My heart did this weird thud when I thought of a future with Holt. Marriage, kids, the whole thing. “Yeah, I love him,” I admitted.

“Does Holt know that? Because if not, you need to tell him. Don’t dick around like I did.” He slapped at my hand when I went to look at my phone. “In person.” Like that was even a question.

“I need to go.”

Shepard nodded. “I got this, man. After what I did today, it’s the least I can do. Call yourself an Uber, go to your man, and tell him you love him.” He nodded when I met his gaze. “Oh, and I don’t give a shit what your sexuality is. We’re still friends off the track and competitors on the track.” He gave me a half smile.

“Uh, thanks.” I had no idea we were friends, but I was glad to know I had more than just Mason in my corner right now.

By the time my Uber dropped me back at the track, I was antsy. Nervous to tell Holt how I felt, but ready for him to know the truth. When I unlocked the door, kicked off my shoes, and walked to my room, I found him sleeping in my bed. My bed. He was on his back, wearing a pair of boxer briefs covered in paint splatter and one of my shirts, which had my number on it. It had risen to expose his flat stomach. There was a small gift bag on my pillow. Had he... Had Holt bought me a present?

My eyes moved over Holt’s exposed skin, the happy trail that disappeared beneath his underwear, before I looked back at his gorgeous face. Holt looked so peaceful, but I was about to change all that. I climbed up onto the bed and splayed my body over his.

“Wake up, baby.” I pressed my lips against his neck, dragging my tongue against his soft skin.

His hands found my shoulders. “What... what time is it?” He groaned softly. “Fuck, Watson.” His hips arched up against me.

“Miss me?” I murmured.

Holt nodded. “Yeah, yeah, of course. Can’t you tell?” He was hard as a rock.

“Got something to tell you.” I inhaled his sweet scent before I met his heated gaze.

Holt suddenly grew nervous. “Shit, did you get parked? Or did you lose points?” He tried to sit up, which was useless with my heavy ass on top of him. “I figured since you and Rand went out for drinks, it wasn’t that big of a deal.” He gripped my face. “Why are you so calm about this? How drunk are you right now? How’s your head?”

“I’ve actually sobered up a bit. My head’s fine.” Truth. I watched the way his hazel eyes searched my browns. “I love you,” I whispered.

When he just continued to stare at me, I was afraid I hadn’t said the words aloud, just inside my head.

“Holt, did you hear me? I said—”

His mouth met mine before I could finish. Soft, plump lips which were warm and sweet. Then Holt’s arms wrapped around my torso. His tongue prodded the seam, and when I opened, it swept inside as he clung to my body. Holt’s eyes were open, full of love and happiness as the kiss deepened. I dragged my hands through his dark hair, hoping he knew just how much I meant those three words. That I would always mean them, want him, and take care of him.

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