Page 19 of Amnesia

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Chapter Six


This was the most awkward dinner I had ever had with our parents. Watson kept nudging me with his foot, wrapping his leg around mine, and at one point, when our parents were deep in conversation, slid his hand up my thigh so he could cup my junk. I nearly choked on my baked potato, causing Watson to thump on my back until the food was unclogged from my throat.

“Stop it.” I glared at him with murder in my eyes and my cock so hard I wanted to shove it in his mouth.

He only smirked at me and patted my arm. “Mom.” Watson tilted his head. “I think I might have met someone.”

I began coughing up the water I’d started drinking, nearly snorting it up and out of my nose.

“Son, what’s gotten into you?” My father was quick on his feet to come over to smack me back this time.

Gee, Dad, I don’t know. Your stepson? I shook my head. “I’m fine.” I held up a hand as I wheezed.

“You don’t seem fine.” Dad’s brows dipped. “Are you feeling all right? You’ve been quiet this whole weekend. You didn’t hit your head when that car hit you, did you?”

I tried not to roll my eyes. “I had a helmet on, Dad, and no, I didn’t.” I could feel Watson’s smirk digging into me as I spoke. I was going to have some serious words with him later. This was all his damn fault. “Uh, this is great, by the way, Mom.” I flashed a smile and watched her beam happily.

“It’s so good to have you boys home. I know you’re busy with racing, but the house just isn’t the same when you’re not here with us.” She sighed. “Watts, what were you saying about meeting someone? What’s her name? Did you meet her at the track? She’s not one of those pit girls, is she?”

Watson shot me a wicked grin before he lifted his napkin from his lap and placed it on the table. He wasn’t going to tell them after he said he wasn’t ready. I told him I wanted to do this together, and we hadn’t even spoken about how we would approach it. Was he just going to blurt it out to them? Give his mother, my father, a heart attack over dinner? I felt anxiety start to creep up my spine like the time I’d told them I was gay, only this time—

“I’m bisexual.” Watson dropped that bomb without warning.

Our parents, as to be expected, looked more than a little confused.

“Sweetheart, I don’t want to seem ignorant or anything, because you know, with your brother being out, I try to understand everything; and you know we love you both very much, but you like boys, too?” Mom asked softly.

Watson didn’t even bat an eye. “Yes. I like both men and woman,” he announced happily.

Oh, dear God, I wanted the roof to collapse on me. Or maybe the floor could just open so Lucifer could drag me down to hell with him. I’d always wanted to visit there. My cheeks were so red, they felt like they were on fire. I was so thankful that no one was paying attention to me right now.

My father’s jaw was set so tight I thought his head might pop off. “So, uh, this person you met is male then?” Jesus, Dad, way to be...

“Yes.” Watson raised his chin. “I hope that isn’t a problem because, you know, Holt’s gay and all. I figured you wouldn’t have an issue with me being with a man, too. I still like woman, but I think he might be the one for me.”

Mom was out of her seat and coming around the table in seconds to hug Watson. “Oh, sweetie,” she gushed happily. “We’re so happy for you, and no, it’s not a problem if you’re with a man. We love you and your brother, no matter what,” she assured him.

My father plastered on his own smile, but it didn’t look as sincere. “Right.” He shoved his seat back. “This calls for a celebration.” He disappeared from the room, and we could hear him in the kitchen gathering glasses, which only meant he was taking out the Johnnie Walker. He came back in with four glasses, and the clear bottle filled with brown liquid. Yep, just like I thought. He placed a glass before each of us, opened the alcohol, and filled them before sitting back down.

“So...” Mom wouldn’t touch hers. She hardly ever drank. “Tell us about this boy.” She moved to go back to her chair.

Watson swirled his drink. “Well...” I swore a blush crept up his neck. “He’s special.” He ducked his chin. I might die from secondhand embarrassment right now.

“Watson James, you’re in love this boy.” Mom gasped.

“No, he’s not,” I blurted out. “Ow, did you just kick me?” I glared at Watson. Mom and Dad were now watching me with suspicious eyes. Oops. I picked up my drink and drained it in one shot. Then I reached across the table to pour myself another one so that I could do it again.

Watson pursed his lips. “H.” He twisted his large frame to look at me. “Do you think that I’m not capable of loving someone?” His eyes dared me to fight him. I knew if I did, he would tell our parents everything without batting an eye. After all, wasn’t that what I had told him I wanted in the first place?

“That’s not it at all.” My chair scraped the dining room floor as I pushed it back to stand up. “I just hope you know what you’re getting into. Being with someone of the same gender is only going to put the spotlight on you in ways you’re not used to. I’m going to my room. Thanks for dinner.”

I rushed past our parents and sprinted up the stairs before anyone could say anything else, then flung myself onto the bed.

“Fuck.” I muttered into the pillow just as there was a knock on the door. “Go away,” I grunted.

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