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I can't hold back a smile. “I do love that movie. Once a week might be a little excessive though.”

“Oh, the betrayal,” Damien whispers with a hint of a smile as he leans in and kisses me again.

“Fine,” I say. “I guess if it’s important to you, we can do it.”

I swear the whole world melts away as he whispers, “Yay.” And he kisses me again. I can't imagine anywhere I'd rather be or any other people I’d rather be with. His lips taste like peppermint and chocolate - the cocoa he’d made - a combination that leaves me wanting more.

And for the first time ever, I want to send my friends home just so I can spend more time with him.

“I love you,” he whispers.

“Oh, no, don’t start this again,” I tease, and he chuckles. “I love you too.”

“Hey, lovebirds, it’s his turn.” Cass sounds annoyed, likely because her four-letter acronym became a two-letter word and she’s losing more epically than usual.

But I'm still focused on Damien. Even though we tell one another that we love each other often, those words never seem to lose their meaning or power. Sure, we said them soon, but when we said them, it felt right. It felt perfect... and it still does.

Damien is perfect for me, and as he turns around to play the word exotic - triple word score and making both Ben and Cass groan - I can't help but feel like I'm perfect for him too.

Even though he has my friends groaning right now, I know that they truly like him. They're happy for us and they've welcomed him into our group as one of our own. Honestly, this friendship group is the best one that any girl could ask for. They've been with me through thick and thin, and they always have my back and I always have theirs.

We all enjoy the nights when Amy's boyfriend comes over too, because he is part of our little extended family here. Damien and I both know that we could never have uncovered his father's murder if Ryan hadn't stuck his neck out there.

And Ryan's been rewarded for his behavior and is now the chief. Now, of course, we still teasingly call him a cop, but we all have the utmost respect for him.

My friends took the time to get to know Damien. They asked him questions about his life, his work, his hobbies, and I'd watched him open right up while secretly confiding in me that he only had one friend he caught up with once a year. I can't even imagine how lonely he felt. But now he'll never have to feel lonely again.

He fits into my life and my friendship groups perfectly. And now that he's here, I can't imagine living any other way.

His phone chimes and he pulls it out of his pocket. I catch sight of the name on the message. It’s Felicity. He quickly scans the message, then hands me his phone.

I need my job back, please. I’ll do anything.

I'm grateful that he's sharing the message with me, but it's not my choice to make. “Do whatever you need to do.”

“Trust is important at my company. I don't trust her because she's proven she can't be trusted,” he says quietly as Ben gives up the Scrabble game.

“Then I guess you know what you need to do.” I’m not going to judge whatever decision he makes, but I am grateful to be a part of the process. The way I see it, Felicity made her decision and now she can live with the consequences of her actions.

I join my friends and help clean up the scramble game. Once every last tile is found and put away, the group disperses, some working on snacks, others working on drinks, and I myself move over to the couch. The rule is that since we're at my place, I don't have to do anything but sit back and chill.

Damien comes over and pulls me into a quick hug. “Is there anything specific you want for movie time?”

“Just you,” I say, grabbing the collar of his shirt, pulling him in for a kiss.

He chuckles. “I'll see what I can do.”

“Not good enough, mister,” I say, pulling him in for another kiss before finishing the rest of my soda.

He kisses me and saunters off to the kitchen as I realize I need to make a quick bathroom trip before the movie gets started. I make my way back to the bathroom, and Amy corners me and slips into the restroom with me.

I'm not bothered. It's not the first time she’s done this. We’re not super shy. But for some reason the tone seems different this time as she pushes her back to the door and stares down at me.

“Well, hello,” I say, wondering why she’s acting weird.

“You sure are using the bathroom a lot,” she says.

I lift both eyebrows. “That's a weird thing for you to keep track of.”

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